1003 even with the broken apprentice set and time warp I still get one shot on the reg tho
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Trials of Valor Expansion
Originally posted by Edaj Floow View PostI think, after all the venting we've done & voiced our opinions on these NERFS we would all like to hear from Adrian about if they plan on "rethinking" & reverting the changes (the nerfs) before many of us quit playing."revert or i quit"
From a financial stand point, its in company's best interest to attract and keep newer players hooked rather than catering the old dogs, as newer players are more likely to spend real money to buy gems than older players, who became self sufficient when it comes to gems. Please don't reply with argument like "I'm CL1500, I still buy gems"
If the developer team decided this is best for game in a long run, then we have to respect their wishes.Last edited by Chaerimasu; 10-23-2016, 06:53 AM.
Originally posted by Chaerimasu View PostThat is just mean"revert or i quit"
From a financial stand point, its in company's best interest to attract and keep newer players hooked rather than catering the old dogs, as newer players are more likely to spend real money to buy gems than older players, who became self sufficient when it comes to gems. If the developer team decided this is best for game in a long run, then we have to respect their wishes.
'Revert or i quit' is a decision a player can make. Just like a devoloper can decide to change the game, players can decide to quit. Its not being mean. We don't have an obligation to keep playing something we don't like. Nor do we have to agree with whatever changes the devs make.
Originally posted by Edaj Floow View PostI think, after all the venting we've done & voiced our opinions on these NERFS we would all like to hear from Adrian about if they plan on "rethinking" & reverting the changes (the nerfs) before many of us quit playing.Last edited by crimsonband; 10-23-2016, 07:12 AM.
I am sorry for all mistakes but I am notnative english speaker. I will also add my opinions and suggestions (if developers would like to use them) regarding the game balance. I am new player (only somethinkg like 2-3 months), CL 350+ but I can compare the game before and after update.
You should come back to old balance and change it step by step, you make too many changes at once and you totally broke it. There is no reason to play for me where the drop rate in trials is so high and I have access to them from beginning. I mentioned this before that I would like to see to complete the story mode to unlock trials after legendary, then the drop rate would higher and higher every trial level. The second options is to unlock trials above level 50+ after completing the story mode. For this moment the story mode is harder than trials and drop is lower.
The rason why people are still playing the game are CL's, every time I will play the game I would like to see the progress in them. So...
1. Story mode (normal, heroic, legendary, also Gorgona for better drops=trials drops but before unlocking them), Trials - when progresing you fill the mobs are harder and harder but you are getting more XP and drop. XP for story mode can be the same as before update and in trials higher. The CL's for experienced players can go faster in high level trials which would be the challange also for them.
2. I understand the you were thinking about leaderboards, but why you can use your trials in that, we will see in rankings only players whom completed the story mode, and are enough strong, persistent, with good equipment and not always high CL to complete higher trial level. If you would like to give more chance for new players maybe try to concentrate on crafting, to make it more important, then new player with good equipment will be able to go very far in ranking (not the top 10 of course, CL's are still important).
3. I don't know why there are caps in CL's like life, armor...etc. If sombody would be the tank with low damage why not - he will not complete trail in time, so he will not progress in ranking. You should balance the game and not use the caps there, it would be more interesting for me, I understand that we need some caps like experience, speed movement..etc.
And the last thing, because you already broke the game balance, after you will restore it, remeber to higher the level cap from 70 to 80 (i think wil be enough) to make all equipment enough useless to change it (because of to high drop rate now).
Please comment on the experienced players if my point of view would be interesting for them and we can have hope that the developer would like to listen...
And to developers...you are making a really god job, the update give players a lot of new fun, but you wanted to change to many things at once.
Originally posted by Chaerimasu View PostI tried full stalker set (bounty hunter gorgona set?), it was very disappointing, mostly because snipe is such a useless skill, low damage, small aoe, no additional effect.
I believe the best gear set combination is 4 Assault + 2 adventurer/havoc set or just go full Assult set.Last edited by crimsonband; 10-23-2016, 10:40 AM.
Originally posted by ezcry4t3d View PostI've played all 3 of my warriors up to 70 and the BH up to 60. My main warrior is up to 159k dps, but not near enough vitality and Life on Hit to be near as much fun as before. Before I was 518k DPS / 191k Toughness / 170k Recovery and now I'm 159k/156k/29k. Huge difference in playability, it has not, and by my math cannot 'make up for the nerfs' regardless of how much more level 70 gear I acquire.KEVI NOBO QUCU 7478
What's with the "revert, or I quit," nonsense???? So, now you have to build up ability rate, damage reflect, and armor to be powerful instead of attack speed, power, and crits. So what if all those carefully preserved set pieces aren't nearly as good as they once were? Now, you have to set about getting NEW eq sets. I mean, really, first people gripe that there's nothing new, and now that there's something new, they gripe about changes they don't like. *boggle*
Get out and play this great game and enjoy the new expansion. Guess what? I tried to kill Elban last night on Legendary with my mage even with the nerf. Sure, it took me three deaths instead of killing him without dying, but I managed by using tactics instead of just blast blast blast. His eq drops still suck, though, so THAT hasn't changed! LOL. Now, off to try Gorgona. Maybe I can get level-70 arcanist stuff.
Elban on legendary is no biggie, just depending on how you play and which companions you got + which skills you use, including gear which should be 60 gear.
For Gorgona on legendary it's a bit more difficult, hit and run is best option if you just begun playing, even as veteran player it's hard without dying (at least for myself).
However nothing is impossible.
For all people which are whining about the update (don't wanna attack people), if you don't like it don't play it, besides there are plenty of other games which you are playing, they also get major updates with new content, and there you are happy with it/or not but never cry about anything on their forums.
So why doing that here?
Because maybe Devs change it back just for you???Dont just say Thanks to some posts which helped you instead klick and hit the Like and Thanks Button !!!
Add me - BH - Mubur: QULE HIBO WUDU 2241
Originally posted by ezcry4t3d View PostI think there are more loot drops in the higher levels as well, but I also expect the rate of all of it to get drastically nerfed soon, because it seems to be what they do...
PS: CL experience is negligible so far. I'm getting about 10% of a Level per hour on my BH. Haven't checked with my Warrior or Mage because I can't bring myself to play them anymore. Poor souls. Just shells of their former selves.
Originally posted by Stab View PostI think it might have already been nerfed? I've been running Trials on my lvl 70 BH and I've only gotten about 4 Legendary pieces in around 40 runs.. I was getting a lot more when I leveled my Warrior to 70 a couple days ago. Granted I'm not able to run trials with mobs higher than level 75 on my BH because they destroy me (even with 520+ CL), but i'm not getting any upgrades that allow me to push further either. So I've been stuck doing Trial 40 since yesterday evening.
PS: CL experience is negligible so far. I'm getting about 10% of a Level per hour on my BH. Haven't checked with my Warrior or Mage because I can't bring myself to play them anymore. Poor souls. Just shells of their former selves.