Originally posted by hades0505
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Originally posted by Mhongix View Post3.) I personally like the encounter changes, because now we have to be attentive and do more than just click and spam. Soon, we will figure out the boss patterns and get used to tackling them that we might beg the devs to change their behavior again to be more challenging.
I don't fail to the dragon, I just run at a lower level so when he stunlocks me it isn't fatal. But there's nothing fun about this.
The dragon would be more fun AND challenging if it were less predictable and had better moves (like wing buffet, a classic dragon move). But putting players in a position where they constantly are "stuck" and cant do anything is just frustrating.
Originally posted by hades0505 View Post
I find the new TBD, by far, the easiest boss for ranged classes. You just need to time your ability casting with your dodging skills and you are good to go. Also, avoid the lava patches or you will get scorged.
Is it possible to add small icon (android, apple, windows) in leaderboards on what system sombody is playing (if you can recognize if it's emulator there would be nice to know that)?
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Originally posted by Red (Developer) View Post
That is correct, there is a chance to get legendary items at all levels. This chance increases for every level. The quality increases past trial level 80 though (70 for the reward for completing the trial in time).
Your answer is frustrating red, no offense, but telling me there is a chance is extremely vague.... what is the chance 1%? I've run several trials with no legendary drops. I figured that since there was a fixed point that you get all three legendaries, I thought that at say level 55 would be 1 legendary, level 70 2 legendaries, and 3 at 80, or something similar. But regardless I got an answer. Back to grinding....
Originally posted by Ahira View Post
Your answer is frustrating red, no offense, but telling me there is a chance is extremely vague.... what is the chance 1%? I've run several trials with no legendary drops. I figured that since there was a fixed point that you get all three legendaries, I thought that at say level 55 would be 1 legendary, level 70 2 legendaries, and 3 at 80, or something similar. But regardless I got an answer. Back to grinding....
I'm not seeing the "quality" increase at trial 89, im still junking my legendry's, and Im a thousand miles away from top end gear looking at some of the stuff that's on the leader board.
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Originally posted by Ahira View PostYour answer is frustrating red, no offense, but telling me there is a chance is extremely vague.... what is the chance 1%? I've run several trials with no legendary drops. I figured that since there was a fixed point that you get all three legendaries, I thought that at say level 55 would be 1 legendary, level 70 2 legendaries, and 3 at 80, or something similar. But regardless I got an answer. Back to grinding....It starts at 0.5% at trial level 1; at trial 51 it has slightly more than 5% chance, at trial 57 it exceeds 10%, at trial 63 it exceeds 20%, at trial 67 it exceeds 30%, at trial 72 it is 50%, at trial 80 it's 100%, at which point the improved roll function kicks in. The item for completion in time is calculated on the same curve, but as if the trial would have been 10 levels higher, e.g. a trial 70 will have a 100% chance to drop a legendary if completed in time.
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Originally posted by Red (Developer) View Post
That's because it's a weird function, and I don't want to clog the forums with math.It starts at 0.5% at trial level 1; at trial 51 it has slightly more than 5% chance, at trial 57 it exceeds 10%, at trial 63 it exceeds 20%, at trial 67 it exceeds 30%, at trial 72 it is 50%, at trial 80 it's 100%, at which point the improved roll function kicks in. The item for completion in time is calculated on the same curve, but as if the trial would have been 10 levels higher, e.g. a trial 70 will have a 100% chance to drop a legendary if completed in time.
Thank you Red, that works!! Don't really need the math with that info. So it's a function of how fast and level. Appreciate the info.
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Using charge on the dragon more often than not puts you further inside the hit box than you would typically go when engaging it with just clicking on the dragon and doesn't allow you enough time to run out when it does it's circle stun.
You can micro manage by constantly repositioning yourself after the charge but sometimes you don't get the opportunity, it's also not fun (too constantly have to do, it's also a big DPS loss as you are not consentrating on ultilities)
The hit box for Magroths stun from his charge makes no sense that he stuns you if you behind him (even though he's charging in opposite direction). You can get stunned from the side even if you come after he has passed (if he's still in transit). This should be a smaller cone to his front. It also shouldn't effectively leave a stun "corridor" behind him whilst he's still in transit.Last edited by Dave; 10-07-2017, 05:20 AM.Account deleted
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Originally posted by Dyoma View PostHe is a lider! 99 trial warriorLed
The needer of Nerfs,
The greatest sheepshagger of all
Killed 1970 frogs...and plans to kill 1 more