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Ban policy for cheaters & exploiters

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    Originally posted by Arawn View Post

    How can they be hoarded? I have never received more than 3 at a time. I don't ever use them because I have no desire to play MI repeatedly so I just have 3 keys that sit in my stash indefinitely lol!
    Normally you cant recieve more than 3. The EXPLOIT. While not ban able according to Dev's, it is frowned upon sharing openly last I heard which Is why no one responded to you.
    It SEEMS like a good idea when you're low level or something but most you might get is an hour or two value from it when you dont have time to play.

    The thing you do isnt hard. I got curious after learning that it was possible and thought "oh that's stupid" once I found out HOW.
    Few weeks later I was doing some stuff in hurry for about week straight and ended up with a bunch of them. They end up taking inventory space and you just wont run the dungeon often enough any more since you get better items anywhere above trial 80.

    If you are still curious. I'm sure you can find it. I did really easy. But, its really not worth it even after you just read it. You cant gain them faster. Still need log on. Still have play the dungeon. All you get to do is collect more than 3
    Lord Emperor of Bridge Navigational Systems Engineer for:
    Eternium 2: Rise of the bounty Hunters
    see post:

    Do NOT hire Xagan! He works for the enemy!!!

    Friend code: GEBA WABE WADI 4184

    If it's spelled bad. Horrible Grammar. Random words. No photo I was talking about. Or cut off mid sentence...
    It's my tablet, I'm sorry


      Originally posted by NachoJoe View Post
      Magroth dying is not a bug. He is supposed to die if he takes enough damage prior to vanishing. If they don't want him dying there then lock his hp so he'll always vanish.

      It's no different than sniping the defiler before he summons his minions. He's supposed to summon but if your trying to finish it faster then snipe him so he can't.
      It is a bug because he obviously reappears in the next level and even has a line about him leaving.
      (Also it's fixed already)
      ANB #1- Mage Rank 17... T107 in 9:47
      ANB #2- Mage Rank 1..... T116 in 9:54

      Live LB- Mage Rank 3..... T122 in 9:05.
      Live LB- XP Mage ........... T112 in 7:55/ T100 in 3:25.

      Click here to see my gameplay videos.


        Originally posted by Purple Potato View Post

        It is a bug because he obviously reappears in the next level and even has a line about him leaving.
        (Also it's fixed already)
        That's not a bug. It's coded as intended. If they didn't want him killable they should make him that way and it's not fixed:
        Last edited by NachoJoe; 07-24-2018, 06:57 PM.


          Sorry to be "jumping back in", but the current problem is with the consistency of the policy. Again, feel free to edit/delete if deemed inappropriate, thank you.

          From my current understanding, the initial mention:

          Fair warning: exploiting a game bug to gain an unfair advantage will be considered cheating and will also attract a ban. Exploiters can point out that developers are to blame. True, we are to blame. Also true exploiters are ruining the experience of other players by abusing bugs.
          was further clarified by:

          Perma-stunning a boss: not exactly an exploit. It's a particular strategy to defeat that boss, we don't think that offers you such an unfair advantage. You still need to inflict the damage, etc.

          Farming gemstones on Magroth (Broken Mountain). Yes, it was a more efficient method to farm gemstones. Not a ban-worthy offense.

          Which means, it's not a ban-worthy offense if you still have to do the work, so to speak.

          So, let's break that down to the cases already discussed:
          1. Keys:
          • Intention: Only 3 per account - although the wording itself isn't very clear on this, I think it just says that you'll be given them until you get 3.
          • Exploit Gain: The ability to binge run Misty Island. You still need to run it, and the Keys take up the already limited inventory space.
          So, by clarification, it's NOT a ban-worthy exploit.

          2. Magroth gemstones farming at The Severed Mountain
          • Intention: Magroth should escape when half health, so players cannot kill him for the drops.
          • Exploit Gain: A more efficient gemstones farming method - still have to do it though.
          So, again, NOT a ban-worthy exploit.

          This was "patched" by removing the drops when he dies, thus preventing players from using the farming method. The very fact that it was patched mean it was a bug that people were taking advantage of - sorry, unless the dev change the storyline, this one will always be a bug in my mind.
          I recalled Travis mentioning something about it being hard to prevent him from actually dying: too much hp would make it difficult for average players to get him to half health - guess there's no such thing as an "immortal" flag in the game at the moment.

          3. Getting gear "into" ANB from "outside"
          • Intention: You can ONLY get Gems
          • Exploit Gain: Access to items gained outside of event, you technically still have to play the event, and the higher Trials will "even the playing field" - but do have a starting advantage.
          So, this IS considered a ban-worthy exploit, at least the "first" version of it was, and:
          Transferring items to your event hero from outside the event = ban. You know it's not fair and you know it's an exploit.
          Previous bug was "stamped down" quickly, (not going into any details here) - current bug have not been responded to by the dev team, only Travis have responded. The issue is that the items gained by the Ironbound cross-promotion are by playing a different game, and no "additional steps" were required to get the item for the Event Hero.

          Will all this stop me from running further tests for the game, NOPE - but I will be more selective of whether I log a Bug Report here or send the details through to Travis via email.
          Eternium Files - links and details


            They need to have a limited time in the mail that must be collected to prevent exploits upon receiving event rewards when an event is next to another. Especially we did not expected to have an ANB after the IB cross-promotion.
            Last edited by Benedicto; 07-25-2018, 02:42 AM.


              Originally posted by Benedicto View Post
              They need to have a limited time in the mail that must be collected to prevent exploits upon receiving event rewards when an event is next to another. Especially we did not expected to have an ANB after the IB cross-promotion.
              The current limit is 4 weeks, which is reasonable. Adding further limitation actually wouldn't help in this case, since the IB event starts whenever you updated to 1.2.114 (unless you were in the Android beta, which got access to it earlier). So a player could have just started while ANB was on and would have gotten the IB event then. The correct implementation would have been to only send the IB rewards to the main account's mail box, preventing it from being able to be opened by the ANB hero.
              Eternium Files - links and details


                Hi Adrian. Are we going to receive any explain about season 5?


                • kurtcabage
                  kurtcabage commented
                  Editing a comment
                  they support them who spend much money so no luck i guess

                  note : i bet travis will delete this comment

                • Benedicto
                  Benedicto commented
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                  Let's not waste our time complaining. Better be prepared to invest for that Demo build lol

                  Yes I guess these types of comments will be deleted in 3, 2, 1....

                • Turgeon
                  Turgeon commented
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                  Haha well see its still there for now!

                Kudos Adrian for addressing this problem. It's a tough problem and needs a tough stance. As you implied if it can be hacked people will try (see the current ransomware attacks on big companies). It probably the thrill of be able to and breaking policies/law. I am glad to see besides providing an awesome game also to maintain it an enjoyable and fair game. Thank you and your team for all the hard work.
                Last edited by Noir; 06-05-2021, 02:28 AM. Reason: Spelling error..autocorrect mess up?

