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[Open Discussion] Personal Opinion On Ad Limit, Medal Effects, And ANB

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    [Open Discussion] Personal Opinion On Ad Limit, Medal Effects, And ANB

    Guys I see what many people are talking about here, about the recent ANBs, update, exploits, everything, I also want to point something out. I hope this will lead to more constructive, positive discussion for everyone, including Devs.

    The topic IS about the ANBs and recent updates. Anyone who brings something I miss here is very welcome.


    I really think that in every ANB competition(or, every Eternium event), top players come with [more play time + better skill] (in some cases, luck too), which means players who have more play time than average are as competitive as skillful players.

    I support a system where a new player can beat an experienced player if she/he is willing/able to spend more time on any event. It’s very normal that a player spending 10 hours a day beats another who spends only 1 hour a day.

    At the same time, it is always easier for an experienced player, while putting the same effort as the new player does, to reach the same level than a new player.

    And the final winner will be the one with the best combination of [skill + # of hours play time].

    I think we all agree(I hope) that exploit should always be banned. After all the cheat reports/screen shots/posts, as person who is not very good in hacking, programing or whatever you’re calling, which is me, concluded that:

    Players can play this game offline, which means if they somehow manage to change something in game to get unfair advantages, it is very hard for Devs to find them all. That might be the reason why there are still some bugs remain unfixed now. Yet if Devs make this game online-only, I might probably give up this game. I enjoy how this free game is now.

    Unfortunately, recent ANBs have become so competitive that every single exploit/bug can cause huge difference to event LeaderBoard, that concerns many dedicated players here, very much.

    I also see some different types of players here:

    1. Casual players: who don’t care, just want to have fun. Don’t play this game frequently.

    2. Dedicated players: they will form their national teams, highly engaged in the event. They love this game very much and want to be known/prove themselves as very good players via getting high ranking on event/living LeaderBoard.

    3. Loyal players (like me): they love this game, have spent months(or years) playing and plan to stay here longer. May want to get higher place on living/event LB but may not be able to spend 12 hours a day playing. May or may not have very high CLs but know very well about this game.

    4. Hackers/Cheaters: I don’t want to talk about this one.

    There were debates about the recent ANB, on rewards, ranking system, the whole event structure and so on, mostly between dedicated players and loyal players. At the same time, I believe that the recent top ANB player lists were carefully viewed by Devs, they’ve done everything to make the list clean(yet there maybe still some exploiters staying alive because they are too good in hiding themselves).

    Hence, here I have some suggestions for Devs, about the incoming ANB(or any competition event):

    1. Change the reward for every ranking level:

    The purpose is to let dedicated players get what is unique, which can prove their places(after all the debates I start to think that they want to be noticed or prove their positions). The reward should be like a medal, without too much hero ability upgrade, but will show that this hero has won 1st or top 5 places in a past ANB event.

    At the same time, let the loyal players – who love this game but have no too much time, can get useful rewards which allow them to catch up dedicated players, without sacrificing too much sleeping time.

    So it will be like:

    - Loyal players who spend 1-2 hours per day in an ANB will get different medals adding 5 Power(or CR, AR, whatever) PTS. The place requirement should be like top25-top500. Higher places mean more medals(top 25 will win more +5 PTS medals than top 500)

    - Dedicated players who spend 10 hours per day(just for example) in an ANB will get medals adding Power(or CR, AR, whatever) 5 PTS, and unique medals adding Power(or CR, AR, whatever) 1 PTS. The place requirement should be like top5-top25. 1st unique medal comes with more desirable attribute(e.g. +1 CR) than 25th unique medal(e.g. +1 Armor).

    Or, the unique medals can make a hero looks better, with special background effects something, no ability upgrade. It will look cool with those unique medalsbut they won’t bring huge or any advantage.

    - For casual players who spend less than a half hour per day, I think you might need to spend more time participating the event to get reward.

    2. Disable medal effects during an ANB

    I don’t know why it’s a good idea to enable medal effects in an ANB and I am against it, since it’s called “A New Beginning”. If a player joins this game in 2025 then she/he might have smaller chance to beat a player with all medal level 20 in an ANB. Maybe some people think older players(who joined this game earlier) should have more advantages but I am still against how medals are working now. So far the effect seems to be permanent, which kind of “force” players to join every ANB or they will become slightly less competitive in the future events in many ways if they choose not to join an ANB.

    And crafting system. In an ANB, A player should lose all recipes they learned in living game and start from zero.

    About the recent update, the daily limit part, honestly I don’t like it. I’m not sure about the reasons behind this, maybe like some people mentioned before, preventing bots farming 10000 gems a day, in living game or in an ANB.

    Yet I think it’s more reasonable for Devs to raise the difficulty for bots to farm, not bring daily limit to all players. I’m not sure if there is something to do with feasibility.

    Some people think the better ways are that Devs raise the daily limit from 50 to 100 something, or switch it to like weekly or monthly limit. I personally prefer the old way we had more.

    I believe at the beginning there were good reasons behind this, let’s see what Devs will do after all these discussions on daily limit part.

    Finally I want to talk about PTW things.

    After all the current changes on ANB, game updates, medal system, I really think this game is becoming a PTW game.

    Medal system is bringing permanent effects to all players, they must catch up every time or they will keep becoming less competitive each time they miss an ANB, both in living game and competition events.

    Furthermore, each ANB comes more frequently and there is event time limit. Players don’t have enough time saving gems, and there will be few(or no) CL2000+ players in Gold ANB. The competition becomes heavy. If the medal effects keep remaining the same way in the future as they are now, it will encourage players to spend money buying gems to proceed faster in the event, and the players who don’t spend money will be left behind.

    Some people might think that medal effects don’t matter too much now, but after several ANBs, they will bring difference similar to 100 or more CL points. The gap will become larger when missing more ANBs, and it’s permanent.

    I have nothing against MF teams making money from this game, I personally have spent abou 300-400 US dollars buying gems and stuffs, because this is a great game to me. Very few free, mobile game can stay so long, from 2015 or earlier to now.

    There are different types of players here, asking for different things, this is true to me. I really hope MK teams can make this game stay as long as it can, also players can have much fun than pain in it, while it can bring enough financial support to MK teams.

    To me the ANB rewards should be changed, and players should really “start from zero” in each ANB.

    The dedicated players can prove their positions, the loyal players won’t feel frustrated while don’t spend too much time and money on this game, and the exploit things can be minimized. I hope this will bring more people to share their opinions here.

    Those are my thoughts on all these current things in this forum, some parts could be wrong, but I tried my best to make it logic. I hope it can somehow help other players share their opinions and lead to a good discussion. Finally, I hope Devs can see this and know better about what players are thinking, and make proper change on this great game.

    One more thing, I apologize for any grammar/vocabulary mistake here in advance, if they confused you, I’m not a native English speaker.
    Last edited by AimEoN; 04-16-2019, 01:53 PM.

    Wow, visual impact and constructive


      Originally posted by techizhong View Post
      Wow, visual impact and constructive
      Thanks, have tried very hard to express the idea, hope it makes sense.


        AimEoN You mention that you don't think crafting perks and medal effects should be available during ANB. I don't agree, but understand your point of view.

        From there you mentioned this is becoming a pay to win (PTW) game. If that were the case, why would the devs allow ANB participants to access your banked gems during ANB? "since it’s called “A New Beginning”". Why not zero everything, gems included??

        I don't mean to be confrontational but it almost sounds like you want the game to cater towards your play-style and schedule.

        If I recall Chinese and Korean players dominated the leader boards last ANB - good for them!
        I'd like to see competitive events for team vs team versus individuals. Example: Team USA Vs. Team Korea, Etc... Team scores would be based around cumulative scoring versus individual.
        In parallel to a team based event, also have one based around individual play (like it is now). This is for the casual player or the one that do not have a team.

        It seems to me that most (not all) players that bring up the "unfair" advantage about medals being used in events either did not participate in the last ANB or did not get the medals they wanted.

        Instead of congratulating the players that have spent hours grinding, spent thousands of gems and used real dollars to be on top, you state that it's unfair... Really!? Shame on you.

        The ones that complain about crafting perks.. Seriously - Level your skill people. It's part of the game!!

        What I haven't seen is PC players complaining about not having ads to watch for added gems to their stock pile.


          Its really great to have the offline features(i might also leave if this game becomes online .

          If you put the medal system that way , during ANB it would really be a big disadvantage to others who have not , so I would like to suggest that every bronze ANB all medals would not be carry over and start at zero again. But all medals earned during bronze would be carry over to the next league(silver and gold ).



            Originally posted by Spyclown View Post
            It seems to me that most (not all) players that bring up the "unfair" advantage about medals being used in events either did not participate in the last ANB or did not get the medals they wanted.

            Instead of congratulating the players that have spent hours grinding, spent thousands of gems and used real dollars to be on top, you state that it's unfair... Really!? Shame on you.

            The ones that complain about crafting perks.. Seriously - Level your skill people. It's part of the game!!
            I've posted the same about medals and Crafting levels before, to me, it feels like something that is against the "spirit" of A New Beginning events - you're supposed to start from scratch, the Gems are to "level with" purhases, but sure, if it's really something that bothers you, let's remove those too...

            Medals and Crafting levels provides boosts that will continue to separate those that have and those that don't - there are limited number of medals, not everyone can get them, and the "top" will continue to get the most medals, unless they stop playing (as an example, I am not saying they should)

            Granted that this is the first time we have Medals, and having them carry over between Leagues seems alright, since it's the same event. I would just prefer them NOT carry over to the next ANB.

            And just because I think it's unfair for them to carry over to new events, doesn't mean I'm not happy for those who have obtained them.

            Sure, existing players can "just level it up" (crafting that is), but there's still the recipes, new players have no chance. What about CL then? You can also "just level it up", so should those carry into events as well, since they are products of time spent grinding, gems and potentially money too...


            And there's no need to be "shame calling", it's an opinion, and we each are entitled to our own.

            Yeah, I admit that I get worked up about cheat/exploits a bit too... sorry... (just an aside acknowledgement)
            Last edited by Nhat; 04-16-2019, 11:57 PM.
            Eternium Files - links and details


              Originally posted by Spyclown View Post
              AimEoN You mention that you don't think crafting perks and medal effects should be available during ANB. I don't agree, but understand your point of view.

              From there you mentioned this is becoming a pay to win (PTW) game. If that were the case, why would the devs allow ANB participants to access your banked gems during ANB? "since it’s called “A New Beginning”". Why not zero everything, gems included??

              I don't mean to be confrontational but it almost sounds like you want the game to cater towards your play-style and schedule.

              If I recall Chinese and Korean players dominated the leader boards last ANB - good for them!
              I'd like to see competitive events for team vs team versus individuals. Example: Team USA Vs. Team Korea, Etc... Team scores would be based around cumulative scoring versus individual.
              In parallel to a team based event, also have one based around individual play (like it is now). This is for the casual player or the one that do not have a team.

              It seems to me that most (not all) players that bring up the "unfair" advantage about medals being used in events either did not participate in the last ANB or did not get the medals they wanted.

              Instead of congratulating the players that have spent hours grinding, spent thousands of gems and used real dollars to be on top, you state that it's unfair... Really!? Shame on you.

              The ones that complain about crafting perks.. Seriously - Level your skill people. It's part of the game!!

              What I haven't seen is PC players complaining about not having ads to watch for added gems to their stock pile.
              I agree with the banked gem part, starting everything from zero during an ANB sounds reasonable to me.
              Last edited by AimEoN; 04-17-2019, 01:14 AM.


                Originally posted by AimEoN View Post

                I agree with the banked gem part, starting everything from zero during an ANB sounds reasonable to me.
                I dont think thats a good idea, there is the option to buy gems during ANB. So it would make a huge gap to normal players and whales . (Unless they remove the buy option )


                  Originally posted by aveanjinx View Post

                  I dont think thats a good idea, there is the option to buy gems during ANB. So it would make a huge gap to normal players and whales . (Unless they remove the buy option )
                  Yes it’s true. The reason why I didn’t mention about players saving gems for ANB too much in the original post is that

                  I think so far ANB can boost financial income for MK team, since they do need money to keep this game becoming better, I have nothing against players buying gems in ANB, and I don’t think MK team will stop players from spending money during ANB.

                  Based on that, for those who won’t spend a lot of money on this game, I think it must be a way for them to compete with wealthy players, preventing this game from becoming PTW.

                  They can either spending much more time on an event, watching ads to save gems before an ANB starts, or both.

                  Right now, there is ad limit, event time limit, and medal effects stay during an ANB. If players are in the same skill level, with equal number of gameplay hours, equal number of ad views, the one who is willing to spend more money will proceed faster, and has higher chance to get more medals.

                  This is becoming complicated, too many things are involved, and I don’t think there will be real absolute fairness to all these.

                  After all, if a player is skillful, has a lot of time to play, lot of money to buy gems at the same time, I am happy that she/he becomes the event winner at the end. I just don’t want this game becomes another pure PTW game, and what I have seen is that ad limit, event time limit, medal effects are unfortunately effective to it.

                  The reason I talked about medal effects, crafting perks, and the ANB rewards is that

                  If the future ANBs keep coming like the ones we just had, after several ANBs, there will be a gap between new players and old players. New players with medal level 0 have smaller chance to beat a player with medal effects: bonus EXP 100%, bonus 200 Power, bonus 70% CD, etc, altogether from the start. And when the older players keep winning, the gap becomes bigger, and no rewards for anyone joins this game years later.
                  Last edited by AimEoN; 04-17-2019, 07:35 AM.


                    Well said, I totally agree with your formula (skill + # of hours play time) if only thats what it needs to win then it would be great, but the game needs funds so a minimal involvement of ptw element to support the game would be acceptable .

                    Disabling the medals as you said would be a good move to lessen the gap for the fair start during bronze ANB . But if only the medals earned during bronze will be used to silver and gold that would be better. (Since the 3 leagues are all one Big event as some says).


                      "Latest update" in title is no longer correct, unless we shift focus of discussions to 1.4.1.


                        Originally posted by MarkHark View Post
                        "Latest update" in title is no longer correct, unless we shift focus of discussions to 1.4.1.
                        Thanks for reminding.


                          Just my humble opinion here, but if we’re going to eliminate previously purchased recipes from ANB, then you might as well scrap the entire crafting system during the event as well. Those recipes cost 200 gems EACH. Why would anyone pay 200 gems for a recipe they already own in the live version? It takes so much time to accumulate crafting materials. If you make people farm in game during ANB for EVERYTHING (gold, gems, gemstones, crafting supplies etc) you’d better increase the time limit for the event. It’ll turn into 90% farming and only 10% trial pushing.

                          I agree (even as someone who has acquired several medals) that medals should not be brought into bronze. The gems and crafting recipes are are going to be VERY expensive to gain during the event, thereby pushing the game further into P2W. It’s a fine line. The events are where the Devs make their money, and they SHOULD make money for their hard work. They won’t benefit from an event with no event purchases, so there will never be a ANB where people will be able to compete for “free”. if you prevent players from bringing previously earned gems, recipes, gold etc into the event, it’s just going to cost more money for players to compete. We can’t have it all, and it’s never going to be fair/even for all players AND have the Devs make money.


                            Anyone who insist fairness will fail. Life to begin with is not fair. There will never be true balance.

                            I agree with the ad limit cause that would mean I who seldom watch adz can't be disadvantaged by those who do watch a lot.

                            I support removing medals on ANB. I support that there will be purchases. I love this game, if its bankrupted, it is the end.

                            That is life, if you want the top, then work, spend hard to get it. Just play and have fun. Not fun anymore, well, go see google play or IOS store, or microsoft and download another game?
                            Retired Mobile Player

