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Add confirmation/warning when deleting heroes with CT'ed items bound to them

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    Add confirmation/warning when deleting heroes with CT'ed items bound to them

    It may be a player's fault if he/she accidentally deleted a hero with CT'ed gear without checking first, but it'll be better if another warning, say enter your password first or a pop-up message that states "THIS HERO HAS CELESTIAL ITEMS BOUNDED. ARE YOU REALLY SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE IT PERMANENTLY?" other than the existing message, before the hero deletes since there's no way to recover it anymore.

    i vote for this
    Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
    trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

    brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

    Hv a nice day


      +1 more warning is always welcome


        WIZA KIZO YIJO 1935


          Originally posted by Benedicto View Post
          I’ll be the wet blanket. “Bound.”

          Further killing the party, I’d vote against this*. Deleting characters already comes with a warning. Six more “are you sure?”s won’t change a given player’s proclivity to click “okay”, and IMO Eternium already has a few too many confirmation modal dialogues.

          Originally posted by Turgeon View Post
          +1 more warning is always welcome
          No. Respectfully, that’s a UX/UI no-no.

          *unless it came with an option to disable in Settings, in which case, damn the torpedoes,
          Last edited by echomirage; 11-25-2020, 08:30 PM.
          2x Mage Huffjenkem
          BH Ichifuku
          Warrior Fhqwhgads
          Warrior Yassqueen


            +1 nice advice

            maybe add an IF -> if the hero has a CT bound item then warning should be "THIS HERO HAS CELESTIAL ITEMS BOUNDED. ARE YOU REALLY SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE IT PERMANENTLY?"

            if it doesn't have any CT bound then "Are you sure want to delete this hero?"

            something like that
            Last edited by kurtcabage; 11-27-2020, 04:36 AM.
            Guide :

