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What would you change?

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  • David O. Wilkins
    1. Auto sorting inventory things like gemstones
    2. (you're working on this) Make Gornathan's trades useful during ANBs
    3. Make some of the season bounties easier or make the rewards better. Spending marks to make set items to only be rewarded with mediocre rewards is distasteful

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  • Fafhrd1611
    1) I've been playing many years and have a severe over abundance of keys and low value exp/gold multipliers which can be neither dropped nor sold. Please can you put in place some form of deletion system for these be it by sale, salvage or dropped.

    2) Great to see the new bounties etc, fabulous for new players. I'm old. I have a full compliment of maxed out heroes. I have always bought the daily gems offer and seasonal bank upgrade. Unfortunately Tomes of Experience are useless to me unless you're bringing in new hero classes or abilities. The same can pretty much be said for loot chests(Aka instant salvage) ; again, fantastic for new players, not so us established players unless lvl76/77 set stuff is about to make an appearance. Can some sort of exchange system be put in place for articles that are unnecessary or of no current use to established players?

    3) In ANB or this new SoTL, can you please increase the drop rate for Mark of Oracles from 0. Last ANB I played 8hrs, finished @#143 collected circa 100 Mark of Titans, 0 Mark of Oracles. Pretty much the same previously, I might have got one. If these are required to be bought - Hello ptw - Just say so.

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  • abcd
    1. 增加季節銀行返回紅寶石獎勵上限及金幣3~5倍。(原返還獎勵10000紅寶石& 1000萬)
    2. 增加消費紅寶石或儲值購買獲得季卡xp。
    3. 增加寶石堆疊(100) 提高到(1000)。
    4. 修改回收站的功能增至角色欄裡。
    5. 修改完成關卡&試煉時的獎勵回收速度加快。(改為1、2秒內完成回收獎勵)
    6. anb活動獎勵去除小、中型寶箱,替換大型寶箱。
    7. 增加時裝附效。如:攻擊、爆擊、爆傷、急速、經驗、金錢等等的。
    8. 亞洲版完全翻譯成中文。
    9. 提高紫、橙裝 裝備的獲得。
    10. 修改錯誤連續吃技能書會把該技能書吃掉後當機,還會出現複製點擊到的裝備,以及把製作材 料拉到道具欄裡。​
    11. 擴充倉庫欄位,角色道具欄欄位。
    12. 增加賽季獎牌名額到1000名
    Last edited by abcd; 06-09-2024, 11:59 PM.

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  • Bryan James
    someone mentioned time-delay mobspawns being a P.I.T.A. YEP, bigtime. That sorta thing SHOULD BE part of a story driven scenario, not a potential frustrating recurring event. Whoever designed that minotaur island debacle (and anyone on the alleged "team" that didn't see issues with it) should be, I dunno, well and duly chastised for dumbiness.

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  • Bryan James
    Likely already covered...but fix dipshyt companion AI, personal (main character) AI pingponging, add companion customization/gearing, expand/finish main story (set up secondary [eventual tertiary?]) side characters, ketovegetarian hallucinogenic injectables free on Wednesdays at the Inn.

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  • Quazihoto
    I'm used to super grindy Korean MMOS so the grind doesn't seem so bad. Especially since I can be competitive a month after starting.

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  • Quazihoto
    1 gear for companions.
    2, ability to name inventory tabs

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  • Izij
    crafting in all games is almost the same, a strictly defined amount of ingredients is taken and a strictly defined product is obtained, with minor deviations. However, I would like a little freedom, it’s like cooking in the kitchen, you can take anything and in any quantities and get completely different products with an exquisite taste, just like in crafting you can take any quantity of any ingredients that you have in stock or that you want to use and resulting in products with completely different characteristics. It is clear that it is most likely quite difficult to implement this at the software level, but it would be more interesting than churning out identical things with the same characteristics

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  • Kev the Gamer
    How about an armor color editor?

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  • Braeriach
    1. Get rid of time delay spawn mobs. They add very little to the game but are disproportionately more annoying than anything else in the game. Perhaps make this a reward for getting to legendary level?

    2. Have mobs drop celestial orbs or a minor version to add a bit of excitement to the grind. Would help deminish the "unlucky" penalty for lvl 77 gear that didn't get the perfect rating on stats.

    3. Add an infinite level up reward for season pass to make it relevant for the whole season once you have collected the current 20 levels. Perhaps a random selection of one of the daily login rewards?
    Last edited by Braeriach; 02-06-2024, 10:37 PM.

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  • ricklhall
    commented on 's reply
    I have stepped out of serious ANB play due to very similar reasons.

  • ricklhall
    1. Able to name my storage tabs, not just 1.2.3….
    it would make finding my stuff for each class so much easier.

    2. have my armory equipment return to the same tab slots it came from.
    having to hunt for a piece of shared jewelry…..

    3. ANB Leaderboard - show us details for others.
    i want to see stat totals to help me build for the future

    4. ANB Leaderboard - show remaining time
    does the toon I am chasing have an hour of play time left or are they done?

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  • ricklhall
    commented on 's reply
    I like the thought.

  • ricklhall
    commented on 's reply
    #4. Aye, let us choose our bracer, even if for a bunch of gems… like jewelry.

  • ricklhall
    commented on 's reply
    #1. There are about 100 quest yet the dailies are the same 10.. maybe we could choose which five we do.