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What would you change?

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  • Braeriach
    I quit this game a couple of years ago and when I came across the game again I had forgotten why - until now. This current event where I have crafted 29 legendary items, but yet none at level 77, reminded me of how much I hate this crafting system. You grind for hours doing dailies to get the mats, gems and gold to make an item and you hit the hammer and wait to see and naturally it's worse than the one you made last time. All that effort and time to be disenchanted for a Tiny fraction of the costs to make it. You try again, same result. Then you are on repeat until at some point you might finally get a 77 or give up. And this is just for one slot for one character. Multiply this by 16 slots and 3 characters and the cost is too much. Sure I can throw a lot of money to buy gems and materials but I already buy the season pass and the daily gems so the devs are getting more from me than my Wow subscription but it seems to not be enough. I had a half decent set of fury gear but then it switched and everyone was using Juggernaut, now it's switched again and I need to get Defender. I just don't have the energy to keep farming to have it all nerfed knowing its only this way because it's pay-more-to-play. I enjoyed Wow, I paid monthly for 10 years and got a lot out of it, Eternium seems too expensive and too restrictive, lacking in content in comparison. And the crowning glory is of course the bracers of mastery/combat. This is a new level of torture where you can get your level 77 but then you see it's not the right bonus stat for your build so it's yet another waste of time with the added bonus of knowing you just blew that rare 77 for another month or so.

    ​​​​​​I could suggest ways to fix this but crafting seems to have been nerfed recently to be even more annoyingly difficult to get high level items with gem slots so you have to get more gemstones to add those to keep up.

    ​​There is a point where people stop enjoying the grind and stop playing. Wow tried to fix that by increasing the level cap and the item level and added new content to keep people interested. Eternium has perhaps started to go that way but it seems to me like they need more money from the players to pay for it and I just can't see spending real money to gamble on the item craft lottery. It's not funny anymore

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  • Halbrad
    Here are three things that I would change:
    1. Run at least some ANBs without medals having an effect. I mostly subscribe to the notion that 'players get medals in ANB because they are good players, not because they have medals already'. Still, it's awful design to give good, experienced players the equivalent of two extra Level77 pieces of equipment every time. Usain Bolt won the 100m sprint because he was the best. But who on earth would think it was a good idea to give him a 1cm head start for every time he won, so he would start the Olympics finals a meter ahead of the rest? (BTW, I'd like an ANB where you would get something like 1000 gems, and cannot spend your own gems, to have a completely level playing field... but understand that the devs got to earn somehow too)
    2. Limit the number of lives in trials. Some people complete a level while dying over 30 times. That's within the rules, so fair game, but it doesn't feel right. Maybe there should be a penalty of like 0.5 seconds for every time you die over 10?
    3. Allow to zoom out a little bit more. As a BH, I am often firing at mobs that are under the minimap/UI
    4. I know that I was only allowed three requests, but...Always start story-levels at the start. It's a minor nuisance, but I so often have to re-run a daily quest because a mob didn't spawn in Murkvale or Scartree Hold.
    Last edited by Halbrad; 12-28-2023, 08:55 AM.

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  • Purple Jade
    Now it came to me for selling items to Mitzu, maybe you could make mass selling like there is mass salvaging. uncommon and lower, rare and lower etc..

    Just a thought

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  • Purple Jade
    1. I usually don't like PVP, but Arena in Eternium is interesting, so I would appreciate if you fix bugs.
    maybe to make also possibility that match can be draw (not just victory or defeat) if there no winner. As it happened to me to game crash as soon as match start and I lose.
    1a. To be able to earn (or lose) glory in arena (e.g. 1 glory= 3 rating points), and to use glory to buy arena tickets or boosts or gemstones or... something.
    2. To get more gems (currency) from trial bosses (e.g. 0-6) depend on ratio of boss toughness/player dmg, higher difference = more gems.

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  • AnotherPlayer123

    I'm having a hard time finding out if I already posted in this thread so sorry if I'm repeating anything but I have thought of things I don't believe I said previously.

    1)Please increase or change the attributes that appear useless into something useful i.e. life regeneration. When looking at the numbers on damage the amount you can regen on items is almost nothing. It doesn't even make much of a difference in adding it to skills that heal you per second. Life on hit always makes more sense. If I'm not able to get an opportunity to gets enough hits to heal myself either my enemy is too strong because they're supposed to be or there's a problem with the boulance that gives them an unfair advantage. But things such as life regen have no place imo.

    2)Please make certain attributes work when you are stunned, frozen, etc. When I'm in that position and being attacked my deflect, block, parry, don't work. Not sure about armour and dodge. But certain things should still work. Block and parry should work but maybe at a lesser chance then if you weren't paralyzed because someone could have up their weapon or shield before that moment if it was real life. I could understand dodge not working because you're not supposed to be able to move. Deflect should still work. I'm not sure if armour works but if it doesn't then that should. Things that make it more realistic or at least line up with the description of the attribute.

    3)Is it possible to have info on cap of skills and to be informed of where the diminishing returns would go? As a way to making more informed decisions on builds. And most importantly when at item says there's a chance on something happening can we get the info of what the percent of that chance is.

    4)Could we add slightly large two handed swords/blades. The general idea being that they add a lot more damage than dual weilding but it has a much slower attack speed. Seen it in other games and was hoping to see here when I started.

    Last edited by AnotherPlayer123; 09-29-2023, 11:39 PM.

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  • Suiyoubinoko
    1.More uses for Glory ~ pretty useless after you get all the recipes
    2. More story levels and quests (more variety in Dalies too)
    3 Stop making not enemies attackable (trees, rocks etc.) and adjust the speed of enemies so there is not such a big gap between fastest and slowest.

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  • Shintara
    1. BoM crafting
    2. SW bug
    3. Arena

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  • AnotherPlayer123
    1)I would suggest adding a little more detail to understand attributes better. I.e. block doesn't avoid 100% damage when it's successful in combat. I've heard it said somewhere on the forum that it only avoids 75%. In all other games my understanding of things such as block is that it reduced an attack to 0 DMG when successful. So I confused for a while about the unique shield that reflects damage while blocking because I didn't understand that it was referring to DMG rates above 0 when successful.

    2)Would be nice to not feel punished for having a draw in the arena which becomes evident when neither side will win as long as the fight continues. This forces the player to have to abandon the fight and get nothing out of the use of the ticket. I would suggest getting the ticket refunded or some sort of reward for claiming a draw which.could be enabled after a certain amount of time. It's very rare if at all that if someone could win that the fight would last beyond a certain amount of time before someone does. Or if you are going to get nothing for the ticket maybe let it be because the draw was against an enemy who has a lower rank on the leaderboards. In chess someone will lose a smaller amount of points than a loss for having a draw again a lower rated player. And often times the amount of the points lost for drawing or losing would be determined by how much of a gap there was between the rating of both players. Maybe a similar concept could be applied?

    3)I'm undecided on if this is a good idea or not but I was wondering if it would be for the best to allow a way to fight against of people rather than the bots that play the characters. Now I wouldn't suggest going online because I understand the benefits of being offline. But maybe have the bot fight in a similar way the player does. So that the pvp can feel more realistic between players without having to directly interact with each other. Only give it a default type of style if the player never goes or almost never goes to arena enough to determine how they would play accurately on average. The more the person plays arena the more familiar the AI becomes with that players style to have a way to imitate a very close comparison of the play style that feels close enough to simulating a human vrs human experience.

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  • papa jim
    When I started it was all forum for me about 6 months later I joined the eternium discord. Basically social media site for this game, think of it as a game chat room with channels for each class and the forum as a bulletin board.

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  • LordS-k
    The only thing I am missing is a social part. Global chat would not work (seen that in other games) but some sort of guild/clan system would be amazing.

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  • Shinori
    Make life on hit stat be dependant on fire essence. It's a huge problem for anb events, cause all your items should have exp stat (until u get 2k CL approximately) and crit damage for farm and for second set to push high trials to get the medals. While other essences(stats)are not so necessarily to put on every item, u are balking in fire essence, which is the lowest quantity when u re salvaging items from farming trials during anb. The situation is - u're converting all ur water essences into fire to craft items, because u re lacking too much fire essences. This change will make salvage more fire essences and less water essences - more balanced.
    This is actual for 6fury Warrior build, because it's the most popular farming build. Can't say about BH(never played them on anb) , but same thing must be done with shadow essence idk
    Last edited by Shinori; 08-18-2023, 07:03 PM.

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  • sciencebzzt
    1. I really think the game would benefit from MANY more "achievements". I love Eternium, but it's a fairly stable, unchanging game. Not much happens. So if there were like a bunch of interesting achievements you could win, that'd be great. Even weird and funny ones, like " defeat X boss wearing no armor" or just things like that. It would give people something to shoot for. People love to collect trophies.

    2... Actually...thats all I have.

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  • Onizuka
    Hello , My english is not the best but i hope you understand me anyways.
    4.Things from me :
    1. More duengeons to farm new Items/Equipment/Material
    2.New Cosmetics to have more for the styyyyyle
    3.More Set combos to have new builds.
    4. It would be nice if i can Hear music with my phone and can run eternium without the music stopps and eternium sounds running in foreground. Cant play music in foreground.
    btw : I love this game i am „New“ just playing for 1 or 2 months, and only want to say that this game makes fun and i enjoy it really!
    it helps me in this time where many things going on in my life.
    Last edited by Onizuka; 08-17-2023, 02:28 PM.

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  • Suiyoubinoko
    commented on Guest's reply
    +1 on the movement speed issue. Even if you don't want them to all move at the same speed, at least shorten the range between the fastest and slowest.

  • laffcarl
    How about fixing the painfully slow flow of mats and coins after defeating the boss when playing above 60 fps, On 120 fps the gameplay is smooth as silk and no missed swipes going on, but you need to wait another 10 secs for the bounty to flow to your toon, negating the improved times higher fps gives you. Maybe have a little button or a tap on the map to instantly collect all the bounty not have to wait ages to see what you've got... hopefully an easy fix?

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