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Set Gear Balance Changes...?

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  • adolf_2003
    The SW bug is a PC issue.

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  • Tin Man
    commented on 's reply
    That v1.6.6 was not a balance update still holds true.

    If you are not interested in having the warrior bugs fixed? That is fine.

  • adolf_2003
    Personally, I prefer a new build than doing the current META (6J) which is against my perception of a Tanky Gladiator. Map shopping destroy the fun of my gaming. 6J can't even kill a single summoned archer in a ToS cycle. The reason I prefer a different META Tin Man

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  • Tin Man
    commented on 's reply
    v1.6.6 was not a set gear balance change update but a fix some bugs update.

    The comparable adjustments for warriors would have been resolving the warrior issue with Shockwave on Windows/Steam. I have not heard anyone indicating that this issue has been resolved.

    Any plans for balance updates are still out there.

  • adolf_2003
    As a Warrior, I'm a bit upset by the recent update which only focuses on the other two hero classes. On second thought, the team might be overloaded with the schedule trying to make everybody happy.

    As observed, the Warrior Class set builds are very much dependent on Critical Chance when it comes to pushing. Newer players are having difficulties in playing those builds because of toughness issues and their newbie reflexes when it comes to pushing high trials. Newer players prefer this build for ease in crafting & a straightforward push set & enchants thru reforging.

    The following are my suggestions for the set gear balance for Warriors using a Fire Lily. With the recent boost from Fire Lily, a 6Fury Lily might be able to reach TL150+ with the following set adjustments.

    Fury Set Gear (6Fury)

    1. 2 Set bonus: Storm of Swords deals 25000% Weapon damage each

    2. 4 Set bonus: Tornadoe damage increases by 25000% Weapon damage

    3. 6 set bonus 5000 Power for 6 seconds

    As a compromise to these changes the following will be adjusted for balancing the 6F crit.

    1. Reduce Charge Critical Rating buff to 1200 (Lvl10)

    2. Reduce leap(10) bleed DoT to 2000% & reduce damage to 1000% Weapon damage

    3. Reduce MS buff of Fleetfooted to 10%
    Last edited by adolf_2003; 05-18-2023, 01:27 PM.

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  • Bali_Lenni
    commented on 's reply
    If technically possible, could it be a solution to make all gear ,that was crafted by a previous toon inside the current ANB, non_usable to following ANB toons but keep it usable once the ANB event is over (for home toon) ?
    Or simpler version: within 1 ANB if a player deletes a toon and creates a second toon, all gear from toon 1 becomes unusable... ...or something like that ...which would make accidental or non_accidental gear advantages from dualing or multi_tooning simply not possible and therefore avoid all problems on that theme...

  • Bali_Lenni
    commented on 's reply
    1. great news !
    2. ...just had the impression that some players would like to have it abolished and just wanted to voice a counter-oppinion


  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    commented on 's reply
    1. This is already happening in the next update (probably early May).
    2. Why do you say to "keep" dual classing. Has anyone said it's going away?

  • Bali_Lenni
    Please keep:
    1. Multielemental damage (and make it official\not-exploit) 2. Dual_Classing

    Why? : more options = more fun !

    on point# :
    1. Some builds in some situations can profit and some will perform worse, hence a nice option to have and test what works best. It has already become "normal' to use it for many players.
    2. Pushing with mage (can not speak for BH), dual classing is a great option. Farming and push_set_crafting is just so much more enjoyable. Even though xp and resources are likely (though not necessarily) to be better than with single class farming, there are also downsides like expense and extra work\real_life_time to balance out the upsides. My suspicion is, that in the end, LB performance is not that greatly dependant on dual classing, especially for the most competent players and for the less competent players it can provide a litlle boost at added expense if so desired. Like everything it also takes time to learn the ins and outs and make dualing worth it (very true for Gold ANB). I do understand that it somehow contradicts the ANB spirit in the sense that you are not playing one hero from zero to end, but it makes ANB much more enjoyable and lessens the grinding pain of farming and crafting..

    ...just an oppinion of course and I can completely understand those in favour of single classing

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  • WarriorSeven
    commented on 's reply
    No worries Travis. You're still the BEST Mod I've ever encountered, anywhere!

  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    commented on 's reply
    I totally misread "dual classing". ::facepalm::

  • WarriorSeven
    commented on 's reply
    Well ... that's not quite what I was saying and will not debate this further. Nevertheless, I am glad the teams are working on fundamental programming to fix this and other irritating issues.

  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    commented on 's reply
    I suppose I can't fault our more experienced experts in taking advantage of the dual-classing concept with the current "rules", but I'm no a fan. It's simply too nuanced and easy for a new (dare I say experienced) player who forgets or f***s up and cross-pollinates class gear resulting in a ban, which I consider quite unfair. Sorry, but the current situation here seems like a trap of sorts for those. I'm sure this is NOT the intent, but there is that perception ...
    To clarify, no one ever has or ever will be banned for having 2 types of elemental damage on a piece of gear. The plan is to fix UI issue that currently makes it possible, and allow items to be crafted with two types of elemental damage.

  • WarriorSeven
    I suppose I can't fault our more experienced experts in taking advantage of the dual-classing concept with the current "rules", but I'm no a fan. It's simply too nuanced and easy for a new (dare I say experienced) player who forgets or f***s up and cross-pollinates class gear resulting in a ban, which I consider quite unfair. Sorry, but the current situation here seems like a trap of sorts for those. I'm sure this is NOT the intent, but there is that perception ...

    I would much prefer gear set(s) and/or gameplay get repaired to reflect the cleanest builds possible that follow intended operational rules rather than allow some user (by savviness or by happenstance) to uncover some flippin' obscure, mis-programmed, "almost exploit(?)" that was never REALLY intended but is now a feature. The app developers and testing teams, therfore, should be accountable for first-class design, testing, and execution from the get go, while assuming responsibility for corrections, necessary to ensure our toons behave according to the documented statistics while running gameplay logically!

    There is certainly nothing wrong with any user assisting in application testing and reporting back issues for repair! Right? But if an unintended and/or undocumented feature remains in gameplay, it seems to me, at least, its existence smacks of a serious disadvantage to any new or UN-savvy player unable, unwilling, or unaware on how to use it. We really don't have a level playing field now, do we? Where, then, guys and gals, do we otherwise draw that bright line between an intended feature and an unintended exploit permitted to remain?

    There is nothing new, here. It's what separates a good (but buggy?) application from a world-class application running smooth as silk. And while I believe the future for Eternium is to strive to develop and distribute world-class products, I for one look forward to game and lingering issue fixes, as has been stated as a goal by John Welch | CEO previously.​

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  • Heikki Gross
    commented on 's reply
    Tin Man it is better than beam for ZAP, but nothing beats warrior farm so far.