Originally posted by Jmac75
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First, Trials success is a combination of 3 things: your CL, your gear, and your skill**. The XP packs accelerate the first one only, which in turn can accelerate the second - but not the third.
Second, it's not like you have to "pay" to get the XP packs. You can also enjoy them with the 100+/day gems they provide *for free*. For those (most of us, really) who don't play insane amounts of time, that's a much welcome boost at zero or negligible actual cost. With the standard subscription pack + daily quests you can sustain one 200% XP booster per day. And sustaining 2x 100% boosters becomes rather trivial. That's only 33% down from the 200% booster in terms of XP gained per playing time (yes, that's right).
Third, to actually "out level you", someone needs to put in the same play time than you or more. But that was also the case before, no? If I can only play 1hr/day and some other guy can spend 5hrs/day, he will level up 5x faster than me. Sustaining a 200% XP booster for 5hr/day of playing time would cost 2000gems per day, and still require about 10 days by my reckoning to reach CL1800 (which you'll *also* reach without the booster, just more slowly). That's 20K gems.
Of course, some "big fish" might come along and spend 200$ on the larger gem packs to be able to do that. But then again, in the old system, I'm pretty sure (like 200% sure) I could find someone in this crazy online world who would level my character for 10hours of CoW per day, for 30 days, for 200$...
** -> Mohin would wisely add a fourth factor: the platform you play on.