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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by orion_134 View Post
    Forum traffic is much quieter and less wahh now.
    For me too, and another reason is that Cultusfit girlfriend is visiting him =) Make a poll about her moving in or not

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  • orion_134
    Forum traffic is much quieter and less wahh now.

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  • Purple Potato
    Originally posted by Melchiah View Post

    Problem is, whether or not the control RNG is going to center the attack on your index finger or your middle finger. That's a gamble every single time (when the commands actually register, that is). And it still doesn't fix 1-finger targeting or plain ol' failures to target.
    I understand why you were asking about that orion_134. Time for me to also.

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  • Melchiah
    Originally posted by orion_134 View Post
    One note, distance targeting and targeting on the move is much more accurate using secondary attack rather than primary.
    Yeah, because you're mashing two fingers down at once, so you're casting a wider net. Throw enough poo at a wall, and sure, some of it'll stick eventually. ;-)

    Problem is, whether or not the control RNG is going to center the attack on your index finger or your middle finger. That's a gamble every single time (when the commands actually register, that is). And it still doesn't fix 1-finger targeting or plain ol' failures to target.

    Bottom line is that the controls and targeting are garbage. They need to be taken back to the drawing board, because they're severely sub-par and ruining the game at this point. But I doubt that'll ever happen. Players are practically screaming for a laundry list of updates and expansions and fixes, but evidently flowers and IAPs are more of a priority.

    Sorry to bump this thread, but that's just how bad these issues are. :-\

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  • Purple Potato
    Originally posted by orion_134 View Post
    I don't play PC...
    n00bs dont play on PC. I guess you are a n00b...

    114. 116.

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  • orion_134
    I don't play PC...

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  • orion_134
    One note, distance targeting and targeting on the move is much more accurate using secondary attack rather than primary.

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  • Melchiah
    Originally posted by Goethe
    I play on mobile only (LG G4) and never had problems with my warrior. Although due to the lak of dmg of the ww I am only grinding the 100 trial. I have to admit though that at some points as the gear wasn't that good, I really had to focus and tap like a mad man to finish a trial. Are the other chars worse playing? I guess www is pretty easy to handle.
    A lot of it depends on Movement Speed. The faster your toon moves, relative to an enemy, the greater the offset between where that enemy is appearing at the time and where you actually have to tap to target that enemy. With my BH, at ~34fps MS, I'm tapping completely beside enemies to target while moving, to the point where the enemy is *completely* visible beside my finger instead of covered up by it. That shouldn't be happening.

    Warrior will have an easier time against that than Mage and BH because mobility and range aren't as important to him. Running right up to the enemy instead of targeting them at range doesn't make a difference because he's supposed to be up-close anyway.

    Purple, if I'm tapping on a mob and only hitting the pixels in between the enemies, THEN THE ENEMY HITBOXES AREN'T BIG ENOUGH -- which has (surprise, surprise) been my point *this entire time.* Thank you for helping me prove it even further. ;-)

    I can kill the boss in under 3 minutes when the game follows the rules and the controls don't sketch out. But as evidenced by this thread's existence, *that's only the case part of the time.* When you can't confidently target Magroth at max range because you're not sure if your toon is going to actually target him or just run right into that oncoming meteor strike... well, that costs seconds. And that's a *minor* example of what I'm talking about.

    My point about 20% pulls is that when you're doing that with a Mage, it usually requires a *lot* of commands. It's costly any time the engine can't keep up, and it diminishes huge pulls as a viable playstyle option.

    Orion, I've been *watching* ^'s turn into >'s following a trace. It's right there on the screen. You'd have to be blind to not see it. Likewise for unresponsive movement. I'm not tapping somewhere the toon can't go. Instead, I'm tapping open space to evade a boss attack by moving a 1/4 of a screen, and then sitting there wondering why my toon is still running away 1.5 screens later despite me *drilling* my finger in the opposite direction over and over again. You can't say it's device lag when it's just the toon and the boss and the game is running at the more minimal settings I run it at.

    Rytrik & GG, I've got 2 Mages and 1 BH at CL ~910 and TL 94/87/82 after only, what, 2 months of cas playing? 3 months max? That TL87 Mage was also my ANB2 toon, and I haven't tried to push a single TL higher with her since that Event (she's my XP farmer). Same with the BH, who I just use for gemstone farming because he's weaksauce due to a lack of good drops and a lot less Synergy.

    So I'm pretty sure that's "skilled" enough for me to know what I'm talking about here. You two act like a person has to be at the top of a pointless LB to know when a game is having major issues for no good reason.

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  • Cultusfit
    I believe it has been decided that bosses have additional problems because their weapons and such are part of their hit boxes and they expand the hit box even when boss has only decided to attack and hasnt

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  • GrauGeist
    Originally posted by Rytrik View Post
    I think we need to see the legendary Melchiah 's Eternium gameplay skillz in action.
    Seconded. Is he Pro or nub? Prolly nub.

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  • Rytrik
    Originally posted by orion_134 View Post
    There have been a few instances of frustrated players upset at gestures and unresponsive move commands that have recorded their play only to realize it was actually something they were doing wrong. I've also experienced what I thought was a good device turns out to be a not good device for this game. Change devices and my mage went from 113-115. Please let us know your FPS at the peak of rounding up your biggest mob. My higher-end device can't support your game settings without significant lag.
    I think we need to see the legendary Melchiah 's Eternium gameplay skillz in action.

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  • orion_134
    There have been a few instances of frustrated players upset at gestures and unresponsive move commands that have recorded their play only to realize it was actually something they were doing wrong. I've also experienced what I thought was a good device turns out to be a not good device for this game. Change devices and my mage went from 113-115. Please let us know your FPS at the peak of rounding up your biggest mob. My higher-end device can't support your game settings without significant lag.

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  • Purple Potato
    Originally posted by Melchiah View Post
    when pulling mobs that make up 10% to 20% of the Trial clear bar

    Bosses spawn with 3 minutes left. A cinch, right?

    It's extremely frustrating. It's the only thing costing me TLs at this point
    1st part, 20% of the bar for a pull is not much.

    2nd part, if you can kill the boss in 3 minutes you should easily be able to go up a few more trials.

    3rd part, are you saying that your skill is perfect and doesn't limit you AT ALL? That's sure what it sounds like to me... Even I make tons of mistakes during a trial which does limit me (I had a great first pull on 122 with 8 elite archers/liches which would have been easily 50% of the bar but I died)

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  • Melchiah
    Originally posted by orion_134 View Post
    They do know hitboxes as they've been adjusted in previous updates. If your device is lagging, it won't recognize gestures. If you are on the run, it won't recognize certain gestures. If your game resolution is turned down, some devices recognize gestures poorly.

    Present your problems objectively and without adjectives and they will likely be taken more seriously.
    Device lag isn't the problem. My device runs Eternium just fine at max graphics, immersive off, weather on, 100% 3D creature limit, terrain res normal, and 150% view. And to be on the safe side, I usually run immersive 1, weather off, 0% 3D creature limit, and terrain res low. So it runs fine.

    The problem with targeting is that the render while moving is not sync'ing with the environment changes (enemy positions). One way to solve this would be with a camera delay that shifts the camera only after the player toon is sufficiently off-center (instead of keeping it centered with camera movement being immediate). The next solution would involve expanding the hitboxes on enemies to compensate for the discrepancy. The former would help, but the latter is quite frankly necessary if the controls are to keep pace with player skill.

    As it stands, they're not. Not nearly. My Mage is at TL91 with 805K/102K/24K and all 10s in AB/AL + Imm/Blizz/Sing + GC/Cel/PI + 28% 96 Integralas + 44% AR (which is low, but better Jewelry is on the way). So you as an experienced player can imagine the bombardment of commands that I'm laying down when pulling mobs that make up 10% to 20% of the Trial clear bar, what with draws and kiting and keeping the AL buffs current and whatnot.

    And what I'm dealing with now is that the controls and the targeting are the *ONLY* lethal threat. When the game actually does what I'm telling it to do, it's a breeze. Bosses spawn with 3 minutes left. A cinch, right?
    It *would* be, had I not by now lost count of the times that my toon would, say, target trigger a mob that was nowhere near where I was tapping to move, or when they suddenly run 2.5+ screens *AWAY* from the boss (and always when I have the boss on the ropes with just enough time to clear, but none to cheesily convenient...), or run directly into one of the boss' attacks despite target-tapping the boss when they're well within range.

    And that's *just during boss battles.* No huge mobs to render (which is when the controls sketch out even worse, and proper draws are actually *traced* and then somehow just not recognized), no projectiles or constant kiting. Just me, and the boss. That's not device issues; that's sloppy code.

    It's extremely frustrating. It's the only thing costing me TLs at this point, and I know there's no way in the world that I'm the only one. If my tone is a bit sharp, then it's to convey that frustration. I don't really *care* if the snarks take my gripes seriously over it because whether or not they do is irrelevant to the facts of the matter. My only concern is whether or not it gets fixed.

    I just *hate* seeing good games suffer from those kinds of interface issues. Nothing turns players off quicker, and less players means less support for developers.

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  • Purple Potato
    Originally posted by orion_134 View Post
    They do know hitboxes as they've been adjusted in previous updates. If your device is lagging, it won't recognize gestures. If you are on the run, it won't recognize certain gestures. If your game resolution is turned down, some devices recognize gestures poorly.

    Present your problems objectively and without adjectives and they will likely be taken more seriously.
    Read this again.
    It's coming from a mobile main telling you this.

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