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  • Cultusfit
    Originally posted by Melchiah View Post

    Problem is, whether or not the control RNG is going to center the attack on your index finger or your middle finger. That's a gamble every single time (when the commands actually register, that is). And it still doesn't fix 1-finger targeting or plain ol' failures to target.

    Pretty sure there isn't RNG on the controls. When you account for distantace, conductivity, human delay/angle it's probably more about where it detects that your finger hit/which hit first. As every person taps a bit different, using a much larger portion of the finger than the area they are aiming for most OS include a system to calibrate it to your specific intent. With many being adaptive. When you use the two fingers in a game it is completely different than the system has either been designed for or has learned from your normal daily usage. Thus registers funny.

    Originally posted by Melchiah View Post

    And speaking of garbage, just when I thought the controls and targeting couldn't get any worse, I started playing on a tablet and HOLY FREAKIN' GORD

    The good thing is that the bigger screen makes it that much more obvious when the red targeting circle .
    Only thing to change was the the hardware and controls got's a hardware problem not the dev's fault. See my answer to above....the system is either designed for a certian thing or has learned your touches for things like books. This is expected and beyond anything the dev's could really compensate for

    Wait...there is a targeting circle?

    Originally posted by Melchiah View Post
    And FWIW, mobile controls act like they're run by a RNG with a 50/50 configuration. You've got players in another thread seriously talking about donning finger attachments as a workaround for the game's inability to perform its most basic function of reading a digitizer. Doesn't sound like dotted i's or crossed t's to me.
    solutions to problems. System could use some work. But i think it's more based on hardware and human factors than the game. Some pretty fancy coding could help compinsate for it. But could be quite the task.
    Might just need to imperilment a toggle...tap the icon and a single finger attack now does the 2 finger until tapped again?

    Originally posted by GrauGeist View Post
    If OP is going to be a jerk and wish bankruptcy on the team, can we just perma-ban him?

    Seriously, he adds absolutely nothing to the site at all. It's all garbage thread and post. All he does is whine and moan. And complain about things that aren't even legit complains.

    Just ban him already.
    Doubt that will happen...i am still here after all...if travis hasnt hunted me down to murder me i doubt OP is at risk for ban...

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  • GrauGeist
    If OP is going to be a jerk and wish bankruptcy on the team, can we just perma-ban him?

    Seriously, he adds absolutely nothing to the site at all. It's all garbage thread and post. All he does is whine and moan. And complain about things that aren't even legit complains.

    Just ban him already.
    Last edited by GrauGeist; 06-18-2018, 06:16 AM.

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  • Suzy.Bae
    Originally posted by Zealot View Post
    5. They are working on a balance between PC and mobile controls, but staff like this does takes time. And despite us wanting more and more content, there are other prorities in the team, as it seems.
    One thing can be simple. Enable tapping on the skills instead of drawing symbols an option in the mobile app. I don't understand the reason why it's only available via PC. The PC version definitely has the speed edge already so what else does it need?

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  • seth.underwood
    Originally posted by Melchiah View Post

    Don't care. I don't do anything for the sake of winning popularity contests. I'm polite here with those who are polite to me. But when I see garbage work, I say so. If someone has a problem with my tone, then that's their problem.

    And speaking of garbage, just when I thought the controls and targeting couldn't get any worse, I started playing on a tablet and HOLY FREAKIN' GORD did they go from terrible to downright horrendous. Two-finger tapping simply doesn't work unless I spread my fingers out a mile wide. I'm targeting enemies by tapping on either side of them, since trying to actually tap on them with either finger produces such wildly inconsistent results. Tapping with both fingers right next to each other produces only single-finger attacks.

    The good thing is that the bigger screen makes it that much more obvious when the red targeting circle jumps from the target I'm trying to hit to another random target as my character is moving into range, even with one-finger attacks. That happens on my phone too, but it's much easier to see on the tablet.

    It's not the tablet, since it runs literally every other game I play on it just fine and it doesn't have a finicky digitizer. Only Eternium has such dumpster-fire-grade issues, despite the fact that overall, it runs better on the tablet than it does on my phone.

    Oh, and did I mention that draws become downright impossible at 1/2 resolution? Yeah, that's what I found recently during a little experiment. Both on phone and tablet.

    Honestly, I hope that the devs go bankrupt and are forced to sell the Eternium IP to a studio that's staffed with people who actually know what they're doing. When the controls are the most challenging part of a game, then it's a pretty safe bet that the developers don't have their priorities straight. I mean, really, this game has been out for over 5 years now and I could literally write an entire book about everything that's still wrong with it, but the controls and targeting top that list in a BIIIIIG way.
    I’m not talking about winning popularity contests. I’m talking about actually bringing meaningful conversation about your issue to the table, and quite frankly just being a decent human being. 1 factual thread stating a perceived problem while being polite and showing video evidence is worth more to a game developer than 100 threads of ‘I hate this garbage.’ Your subpar adjective laden boastful ranting doesn’t make you sound skilled or knowledgeable, and it absolutely doesn’t make any developer I’ve ever met want to fix the issue. It just makes you sound like an immature child. Wishing a small business would go bankrupt because you feel you deserve more enjoyment from a video game? Lol

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  • Zealot
    Originally posted by Melchiah View Post

    Don't care. I don't do anything for the sake of winning popularity contests. I'm polite here with those who are polite to me. But when I see garbage work, I say so. If someone has a problem with my tone, then that's their problem.

    And speaking of garbage, just when I thought the controls and targeting couldn't get any worse, I started playing on a tablet and HOLY FREAKIN' GORD did they go from terrible to downright horrendous. Two-finger tapping simply doesn't work unless I spread my fingers out a mile wide. I'm targeting enemies by tapping on either side of them, since trying to actually tap on them with either finger produces such wildly inconsistent results. Tapping with both fingers right next to each other produces only single-finger attacks.

    The good thing is that the bigger screen makes it that much more obvious when the red targeting circle jumps from the target I'm trying to hit to another random target as my character is moving into range, even with one-finger attacks. That happens on my phone too, but it's much easier to see on the tablet.

    It's not the tablet, since it runs literally every other game I play on it just fine and it doesn't have a finicky digitizer. Only Eternium has such dumpster-fire-grade issues, despite the fact that overall, it runs better on the tablet than it does on my phone.

    Oh, and did I mention that draws become downright impossible at 1/2 resolution? Yeah, that's what I found recently during a little experiment. Both on phone and tablet.

    Honestly, I hope that the devs go bankrupt and are forced to sell the Eternium IP to a studio that's staffed with people who actually know what they're doing. When the controls are the most challenging part of a game, then it's a pretty safe bet that the developers don't have their priorities straight. I mean, really, this game has been out for over 5 years now and I could literally write an entire book about everything that's still wrong with it, but the controls and targeting top that list in a BIIIIIG way.
    1. Ehm.....what are you expecting from bigger screens? Most android games are hard to play on either too small or bigger screens. It is just the art it usually goes now.

    2. Game is out for, I beleive it is not even that, closely to 4 years.

    3. Controls do get their attention. As a matter of fact, they have already worked a lot around gesture recognition earlier and other staff. Double tapping should get a revamp, if things remained the same.

    4. Well, I beleive that this game has already been, kind off, sold over companies. And I have to admit that DP has done amazing things with the game, compared to where it was. Actually, they should be just a division from the original Snow Globe games team.

    5. They are working on a balance between PC and mobile controls, but staff like this does takes time. And despite us wanting more and more content, there are other prorities in the team, as it seems.

    6. I admit thought that from this high cost of event packs, they will go bankrupt. If it will be because of their controls, they sadly would deserve that.

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  • Melchiah
    Originally posted by seth.underwood View Post
    on a somewhat serious note the level of frustration, anger, resentment you hold due to your perceived issues with the game mechanics don’t change other players opinions about the issue you’re talking about. My advice is if you want to get serious attention to your cause be polite, present screengrabs or videos of the issues you’re seeing, and leave it at that. Bringing snide comments about your level of skill, the level of skill of other players, what you feel is sloppy coding, being just plain rude, etc etc is only going to turn other forumer users against you and make them want to disprove your claims rather than listen to them.

    just my two cents.
    Don't care. I don't do anything for the sake of winning popularity contests. I'm polite here with those who are polite to me. But when I see garbage work, I say so. If someone has a problem with my tone, then that's their problem.

    And speaking of garbage, just when I thought the controls and targeting couldn't get any worse, I started playing on a tablet and HOLY FREAKIN' GORD did they go from terrible to downright horrendous. Two-finger tapping simply doesn't work unless I spread my fingers out a mile wide. I'm targeting enemies by tapping on either side of them, since trying to actually tap on them with either finger produces such wildly inconsistent results. Tapping with both fingers right next to each other produces only single-finger attacks.

    The good thing is that the bigger screen makes it that much more obvious when the red targeting circle jumps from the target I'm trying to hit to another random target as my character is moving into range, even with one-finger attacks. That happens on my phone too, but it's much easier to see on the tablet.

    It's not the tablet, since it runs literally every other game I play on it just fine and it doesn't have a finicky digitizer. Only Eternium has such dumpster-fire-grade issues, despite the fact that overall, it runs better on the tablet than it does on my phone.

    Oh, and did I mention that draws become downright impossible at 1/2 resolution? Yeah, that's what I found recently during a little experiment. Both on phone and tablet.

    Honestly, I hope that the devs go bankrupt and are forced to sell the Eternium IP to a studio that's staffed with people who actually know what they're doing. When the controls are the most challenging part of a game, then it's a pretty safe bet that the developers don't have their priorities straight. I mean, really, this game has been out for over 5 years now and I could literally write an entire book about everything that's still wrong with it, but the controls and targeting top that list in a BIIIIIG way.
    Last edited by Melchiah; 06-16-2018, 12:24 PM.

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  • Purple Potato
    Originally posted by seth.underwood View Post
    [Complaining/ trash talking] is only going to turn other forum users against you and make them want to disprove your claims rather than listen to them.

    just my two cents.
    Yep, pretty much this.

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  • seth.underwood
    on a somewhat serious note the level of frustration, anger, resentment you hold due to your perceived issues with the game mechanics don’t change other players opinions about the issue you’re talking about. My advice is if you want to get serious attention to your cause be polite, present screengrabs or videos of the issues you’re seeing, and leave it at that. Bringing snide comments about your level of skill, the level of skill of other players, what you feel is sloppy coding, being just plain rude, etc etc is only going to turn other forumer users against you and make them want to disprove your claims rather than listen to them.

    just my two cents.

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  • Suzy.Bae
    Originally posted by Melchiah View Post
    And FWIW, mobile controls act like they're run by a RNG with a 50/50 configuration. You've got players in another thread seriously talking about donning finger attachments as a workaround for the game's inability to perform its most basic function of reading a digitizer. Doesn't sound like dotted i's or crossed t's to me.
    It's just occuring rarely. AKA when I tap on a mob of monsters only for my Mage or BH to walk through them and insta die. LOL.

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  • GrauGeist
    If the game is as bad as you say it is (it's not), you should quit and find something else to play.

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  • Melchiah
    And FWIW, mobile controls act like they're run by a RNG with a 50/50 configuration. You've got players in another thread seriously talking about donning finger attachments as a workaround for the game's inability to perform its most basic function of reading a digitizer. Doesn't sound like dotted i's or crossed t's to me.

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  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    FWIW, casual events take absolutely zero development time.

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  • Melchiah
    Reminder Bump: Controls and targeting are still garbage.

    But keep those mini-Event IAPs coming, guys, because we all know that nothing opens up wallets like lazy code. ;-)

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  • Melchiah
    Originally posted by Tessla View Post

    For me too, and another reason is that Cultusfit girlfriend is visiting him =) Make a poll about her moving in or not
    Poor guy. RIP CultusFit. :-(

    Controls/targeting still garbage btw.

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  • Primus
    Originally posted by Tessla View Post

    Make a poll about her moving in or not

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