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First impressions
Originally posted by Liana-Daniela (QA Specialist) View PostI, for example, kept waiting near any gold/gear drop waiting for it to be picked up instead of waiting at the end of the stage.
P.S. Its good to have any hint/tutorial stage especially for the Newcommers, which never heard/played D3 like games, but for me, personally, I think there is a charm to discover some game mechanics by youreself.
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When I started, I was confused about timers (booster and trial). I thought that timers would continue to run when viewing ads, mini-map, or switching back to hero screens
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Originally posted by GrauGeist View Post
It's useless to complain without suggesting a fix. :eyeroll:
Maybe your desire to increase your post count hinders your ability to read/comprehend, who knows...
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Originally posted by CodaCrafting gear is another in-game system that needs a tutorial. Of course, it is rumored to be getting an overhaul. If so, great. Hopefully the new system will be explained 'in-game'.
Apart from that, make a quick and easy guide on how making legendary jewelries work and how gemstones interact with it. It's best illustrated through pictures in a tutorial video instead of words.
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Originally posted by Humus View PostI think it's weird that the game doesn't explain jewellery crafting at all. Most players never figure it out so the gap between the top and bottom players is massive. I'm hoping the game adds a simple tutorial for them.
There should be a tutorial on how to use gemstones. When to combine, when to unsocket (before selling) or just pretty much make it that gemstones are auto returned if an item was sold out accidentally if there's a slot.
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Originally posted by Liana-Daniela (QA Specialist) View PostHello guys, I'd like to know if you (veterans and new players alike) faced any difficulties when you first started.
Is there anything you didn't quite understand about how the game is played? (I, for example, kept waiting near any gold/gear drop waiting for it to be picked up instead of waiting at the end of the stage) - other players for example used to sell gear with gemstones attached.
So, is there anything you guys would have liked being warned about? Getting a tutorial on? Something you just didn't understand in the first 30mins-1h of your gameplay?
Private messages or topic replies are both perfect! Thank you
Also, I made this topic for laughs, but it's a goldmine for newbie mistakes, lots of feedback in there:
GrauGeist Nice suggestions, but that's not what OP asked for
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Thanks for the Q&A.
Starting out, I didn't understand Jewelry crafting at all. It's completely opaque in mechanics to the new player. If not for the guides, it'd be a disaster. I suspect the vast bulk of players are making a total hash of things, especially as even veterans make Jewelry mistakes. Also, now that I *do* understand how Jewelry works, it's unnecessarily painful to generate and sort and store components. We need an in-game Jewelry sorter, and I've suggested as much. We also need expanded ring and necklace filtering and storage - I can use 100s of slots as I pick through rings. It is tedious and unsatisfying, and should have better automation tools.
Selling gear with Gemstones should unsocket the Gemstone.
ALL Gold and items should FLY to the Hero at the end, Abandon or End Level. It shouldn't be so slow.
Reforge is a useless feature, and should be reworked to guarantee an improvement in the stat, or else a switch to the other stats. That is, if I Reforge +80 CR, I get a choice of (random) +81-90 CR, or 2 random new stats. If I reforge +89 CR, the first choice is +90 CR.
Crafting is a mess. Let us craft Set items together. 3x Assault pieces makes a random Assault item 3x Set Boots = random Set Boots. 3x Assault Boots = random Assault Boots. Also, cross craft Adventurer Set items Warrior Crafting 3x Mage Adventurer Items = Warrior Adventurer Item.
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For me, it's pretty much all the "crafting" stuff, as mentioned already. Displaying the Attribute range for Jewelry would also be useful - so we don't need to "use reforge" to check.
Another thing is how the various "features" takes story/level to unlock. I remembered thinking: "Gear, Abilities, that's it?" when I first started - thus my "Unlocking Guide".
With the "event" mechanics, maybe it'll be possible to create a "tutorial" Hero - completely separate from the others, so people can "have a play" and figure things out.
and please remove/fix the "Fusion Rating" for Jewelry pieces, the way fusing works right now, it's causing more confusions than helping - I think we've learnt to ignore it, so might as well remove it.Last edited by Nhat; 05-02-2018, 10:57 PM.
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Knowing what is good to spend Gems (not stones) on. I didn't have a problem with this since I have played many freemuim games in the past and know not to spend the buyable currency.
Jewelry crafting was the hardest thing to understand. I spent hours reading the jewelry guide and still was completely clueless. I think the best way to "help" with this is maybe add a testing stage for jewelry? I'm not sure how that would work, but just crafting jewelry really helped me understand it more than the hours spend on guides.
The only other thing I can think of is that I had a legendary set item that was level 40 and since it had 4 stats I thought it was better than a level 70 item with 3. Maybe some info on sets in game would be helpful? I also see a lot of people posting about "it says it's a set item but it's not" sort of thing so maybe removing the red text that says "this item is part of a set" would be helpful so people don't get confused. (if you have an apprentice robe equipped and you also have a non-set robe in your inventory, the non-set robe will says "this item is part of a set" in red because the one equipped is in a set but if you equip the robe you are losing the set item)
Edit: since I dont want to add another post, I think you meant overhaul Coda not overall
Another edit: Level 38 in story mode was super confusing. That is the only thing I remember about this game 2 years ago. It took me probably 30 minutes to find the end of the level.Last edited by Purple Potato; 05-02-2018, 06:48 PM.
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Personally I didn't understand for the first couple weeks (possibly months) I was playing that +xp was a good stat, I always assumed if I had more dps it would outweigh having +xp.
Obviously it would've been different if I would've checked the forums but I only started using them a long time after I started playing, I never bothered finding the secret code since I assumed it was hidden, if you add to the welcome message that it's the first button in the forums I'm sure more people will look for it (there's only about a million views on it, but there are at least 10 million downloads on the play store).
About what I was saying before, it's kinda ridiculous that someone should be forced to read a 9500 word guide to understand how to make a piece of jewellery.
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Info about gemstone fusion and gear sockets will be useful.I have seen many new players sell rough and common gemstones due to not knowing their use later on.As for gear sockets,some new players think that gears can only drop with sockets and don't know sockets can be added to gears by paying gems.
Info about reforge feature will also be good,as many new players ignore that feature initially due to not knowing exactly what it does.
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I think it's weird that the game doesn't explain jewellery crafting at all. Most players never figure it out so the gap between the top and bottom players is massive. I'm hoping the game adds a simple tutorial for them.
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