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ANB event planning

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  • Keaven
    commented on 's reply
    When and how to upgrade abilities depends largely on class and build so I've been petty general about that.

    Leveling to unlock abilities to research doesn't burn much time so it's not overly important so long as leveling is efficient.

  • Ozymandius
    commented on 's reply
    Nhat - thanks for the tip on why faster complete time in trials is important. In the past, I have lost XP by pushing harder trials not realizing that it is better to complete trials faster.

    FYI, for a BH with movement speed on pants and boots and Time Warp, I find Garm to be the preferred boss. He tends to stay in one place, so it is easier to move around him. Plus, he telegraphs his every move with arrows and red circles that can easily be avoided.

  • NoSuchReality
    Caveat to step #1, level up the starting attack and starting utility to level 4. That's 55 minutes if I remember correctly. Then do a run to unlock more things to level up. There's a sweet spot there somewhere depending on class and play style for having the two attacks and the two core abilities you want to use early to then take the pause to level those up with time to say level 7.

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  • Ozymandius
    commented on 's reply
    Keaven - The lower costs of crafting makes it possible to craft decent gear as soon as you hit level 70, which sort of makes the EE gear boxes useless for anything other than building an XP/XG farming set. I was fully stacked with a full set of Legendary gear before I ever got the first EE box reward.

    I ended up spending gems on the Legendary crafting box in my elusive quest for a weapon worthy of the CT. My best weapon was a level 76, but I still had to run a lot of TL80+ runs to the end to get enough gear drops for crafting (which is less efficient for XP farming).

  • Stusmith50
    commented on 's reply
    Point to consider - during ANB the mobs in story level with you, so you get more XP from them, and the story boss (eg TBD, Defiler) will be tougher than normal IF you have levelled up. This is where the trials Vs story discussion comes from during ANB.

  • Keaven
    I've updated the OP for any new players joining the discussion.

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  • Montresor
    commented on 's reply
    My plan includes buying the $9.99 bundle with a few crafting crates, a little gold, and some exp boosters. I play this game more than my PlayStation anymore so I don't mind supporting them a little bit, and that's a big boost early on.

    Everything in there could be done with around 1500 gems though too - 3*200 for exp, 5*100 for the crates and some for the gold and skill leveling

  • Montresor
    commented on 's reply
    For sure not a huge benefit, but also not a huge cost. After just missing top 25 in bronze where I really had no plan, I'm fixated on seeing if I can do better with a better plan.

    It's true the additional medal doesn't get you that much, but bronze got me my first medals (other than sneaking into a top 500 finish in the last season somehow) so I would love to see more of the medals filled in lol

  • Keaven
    commented on 's reply
    Sounds interesting Montresor. If not using past lvl 70 that's not a huge benefit though.

  • Montresor
    commented on 's reply
    I created a new character to try leveling up to 70 in 30-ish minutes. I tracked every level, skill training and time I crafted.
    To hit level 70 in 30 mins as mage,
    1. I stopped in the middle of the first level to train my first two skills to 5 before completing
    2. immediately crafted blue exp gear (super cheap)
    3. Speed ran levels, pausing to level skills to 5 when they opened.
    4. Crafted new weapons at level 7, and then new exp gear every 10 levels. I switched to epic exp gear around level 30 because I needed more vitality
    5. Ran trials until I hit level 70. I would run each trial once to completion, but then if it didn't get me 10 levels, I would do a minute or so of just mob bashing until I got to the next 10th level. - the drops from the boss at those levels aren't worth much and the bulk of exp for my mage was from gathering mobs and shattering them.
    6. After level 70, craft exp gear and wait for primary skills to get to 10 - lightning, arcane bolts, etc. After character, level 70 will be running arcanist, but shatter is amazing early on.

    In my experiment it took 35 minutes to get level 70, but I didn't open The extra passive slot, nor the third spell/passive so I think i can do it a little faster in the anb.

    I kept the full list of steps and time consumed in the sheet I linked above. I tracked time with the exp boosters.

  • MtDoom
    commented on 's reply
    Yes. Sticky.

  • Fish knife
    commented on 's reply
    Yes, please make it sticky, loads of useful information here!

  • Montresor
    commented on 's reply
    i did arcanist for bronze and dual wield warlord for silver. going back to arcanist for gold. my prime toon is arcanist, so hoping to get at least one more useful piece of gear out of gold. i think if done right TL 100 should be achievable for me with arcanist. finished just outside of top 25 in bronze- didn't spend any gems on crafting crates but got extremely lucky crafting a lvl 77 weapon early on.

    planning on going in to gold with enough gems for two legendary crates just in case, and a much better timeline planned for skills development. fingers crossed to crack the top 25 this time.

  • Rayn
    I might do a legendary crafting crate, but in silver I did not buy one and was still able to clear TL100 in under 6 hours, using level 75 and 74 weapons. We shall see!

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  • Keaven
    Needs crafting materials earlier I suspect. Gear is going to be the limiting factor.

    I think it's going to be tough to make TL 100 in 6 hrs without good weapons from the get go at least.

    So far it seems to me that the most significant impact on scaling up is being able to craft good gear as soon level 70 hits.

    For gold my focus is going to be unlocking all research slots, and at least 2 legendary crafting crates at 70. And gems for gold to save time.

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