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    There are a few known issues with the versions syncing. We already have them fixed and we're just waiting for Apple to approve the patch we've submitted. Tell her to hang tight and keep an eye out for available app updates.


      Travis it is very unfair of HE to be showing all week we would get energy for playing the tourney provided of course we met the criteria to win some. Now when I went to play new tourney it gave me GM's not energy like it has showed all week!!! I want my 25 energy I earned this week. I hate the journeys and do not need GM's. Only reason I played the tourney was for extra energy.
      This is a great FB group where we help each other play the game. Come join us! https://www.facebook.com/groups/HiddenExpressHelpers/


        Why don't all players that play the new journey get the same amount of time to complete?
        Doesn't seem fair that everybody doesn't get the same amount of time. Thank You~


          Originally posted by goose-girl View Post
          Why don't all players that play the new journey get the same amount of time to complete?
          Doesn't seem fair that everybody doesn't get the same amount of time. Thank You~
          Do you mean the number of days one gets to finish it? I think I got 3 days.....you mean others got more??? Wahhhhhhhhhhhh, not fair (see Travis, I can whine too )


            Hi Travis, when playing a journey do you have to play the first three levels and then go back to level one OR can you play level one twice then level two twice, etcetera, etcetera?


              Travis, Just wanted to let you know in the Granada journey's
              scene Luthier the “duct” “air vent” item is too close to the hint button!


                Travis many members are saying they can't send/receive energy since the release of "Granada"
                Everyone is welcome to join a great group I am a member of https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheHexingFactor/


                  Travis, Also daily gift and friend's list did not reset for me this morning!


                    Originally posted by Cindy1955 View Post
                    Travis it is very unfair of HE to be showing all week we would get energy for playing the tourney provided of course we met the criteria to win some. Now when I went to play new tourney it gave me GM's not energy like it has showed all week!!! I want my 25 energy I earned this week. I hate the journeys and do not need GM's. Only reason I played the tourney was for extra energy.
                    I'm sorry you feel this way, Cindy. However, there are lots of ways to earn energy in the game and not enough ways to earn GMs. So, you will start to see GMs trickled into the game in various places. That said, I have sent you a PM with a few details.


                      Originally posted by goose-girl View Post
                      Why don't all players that play the new journey get the same amount of time to complete?
                      Doesn't seem fair that everybody doesn't get the same amount of time. Thank You~
                      We are trying to find a good expiration time for Journeys. Unfortunately, we can't know which time works best until we see how players behave when they have different timers. Players were selected at random to receive one of 3 timers: 3 days, 7 days, or 10 days. Hopefully, this will be the last time we need to run this test to find the sweet-spot.


                        Originally posted by Susan Mary View Post
                        Hi Travis, when playing a journey do you have to play the first three levels and then go back to level one OR can you play level one twice then level two twice, etcetera, etcetera?
                        You need to find the first puzzle piece in each scene before you can go back and get the second puzzle pieces.


                          Originally posted by grgbhrsk View Post
                          Travis, Just wanted to let you know in the Granada journey's
                          scene Luthier the “duct” “air vent” item is too close to the hint button!
                          I was worried about that. I'll get it moved or removed.


                            Originally posted by Susan Mary View Post
                            Hi Travis, when playing a journey do you have to play the first three levels and then go back to level one OR can you play level one twice then level two twice, etcetera, etcetera?
                            Oh no, that would be too easy! I mean you know where all that stuff is right now, but after you have finished the other two chapters, then go back to the first one....you've forgotten where half of it is, and oooooh, that means you're gonna burn up a bunch more tickets, GMs, boosts.....lol. HEX ain't stoopid, they know exactly what they're doing


                              Originally posted by Travis (Admin) View Post
                              We are trying to find a good expiration time for Journeys. Unfortunately, we can't know which time works best until we see how players behave when they have different timers. Players were selected at random to receive one of 3 timers: 3 days, 7 days, or 10 days. Hopefully, this will be the last time we need to run this test to find the sweet-spot.
                              Jeez Travis, why didn't you just ask me? I would have told you which one to choose and you could have saved all this whining and carryin' on


                                Originally posted by soshan brown View Post
                                Travis many members are saying they can't send/receive energy since the release of "Granada"
                                Originally posted by grgbhrsk View Post
                                Travis, Also daily gift and friend's list did not reset for me this morning!
                                Try now™

