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Android Beta 1.2.104

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    .114 is on PC.

    I'm too lazy to post a screenshot so I guess you have to take my word for it.
    ANB #1- Mage Rank 17... T107 in 9:47
    ANB #2- Mage Rank 1..... T116 in 9:54

    Live LB- Mage Rank 3..... T122 in 9:05.
    Live LB- XP Mage ........... T112 in 7:55/ T100 in 3:25.

    Click here to see my gameplay videos.


      Originally posted by Nhat View Post
      Thanks for that Hukolla - have you checked the Microsoft Store for the update? The game might not auto update for you, depending on your settings, just checking since I generally disable all auto-updates for all my devices and do the checks manually.

      So, nobody else are on Windows and can confirm or deny the update have been pushed through for Windows players, so the devs can chase it up if required - sorry if I'm bothering anyone, any help here is appreciated.

      Cultusfit - or Jage, could you please repost the screenshot from discord here, thank you.

      I deleted and downloaded the game many times. And still the 100 version


        Originally posted by Cultusfit View Post

        you have train a bit.

        but yes boring combat needs was turn up speed at very least
        Problem that gets me peaved to no end is, the match up system. I get to rating 175 or so and needing one more win to get to 200, I get paired with a total pro who obviously have been playing a long time. Bam i lose....back down to 150 or so.....then BAM matched up against another person who has played much longer than me.....down to 125.....

        If eternium uses Ironbound guildelines to select your opponent in're gonna see a mass exodus away from the game when multiplayer arrives.
        BH - Stalker - TL 138 (PC)


          Originally posted by Bounty View Post
          If eternium uses Ironbound guildelines to select your opponent in're gonna see a mass exodus away from the game when multiplayer arrives.
          Eternium and Ironbound are developed by completely different developers.


            Originally posted by Bounty View Post
            Problem that gets me peaved to no end is, the match up system. I get to rating 175 or so and needing one more win to get to 200, I get paired with a total pro who obviously have been playing a long time. Bam i lose....back down to 150 or so.....then BAM matched up against another person who has played much longer than me.....down to 125.....
            If eternium uses Ironbound guildelines to select your opponent in're gonna see a mass exodus away from the game when multiplayer arrives.
            The last season just ended there so everyone got most of their rating taken away, soon all the good players will be back at the top out of the way (for the next two months). Who did you lose against?



              I save up for 200 Health at the expense of good weapons. I do like 8 total damage per two weapon hit. I draw someone who is 200 HP plus weapons that deal twice as much damage or 4 more damage. And it seems like anytime i get close to 200 i draw an unbeatable opponent.....want to pull my hair out so damn frustrating because you also lose rating...Nothing more frustrating to see 175 turn to 100 again after 3 defeats to people who obviously have played the game for a while.....................
              Last edited by Bounty; 07-09-2018, 11:46 PM.
              BH - Stalker - TL 138 (PC)


                Originally posted by Bounty View Post
                I save up for 200 Health at the expense of good weapons. I do like 8 total damage per two weapon hit. I draw someone who is 200 HP plus weapons that deal twice as much damage or 4 more damage. And it seems like anytime i get close to 200 i draw an unbeatable opponent.....want to pull my hair out so damn frustrating because you also lose rating...Nothing more frustrating to see 175 turn to 100 again after 3 defeats to people who obviously have played the game for a while.....................
                That's probably why they changed it from the original 500 rating you needed in the beginning of the beta. Personally I like the game now (I bought the permanent 3* gold upgrade and the starter pack).


                  Reaching the 500 rating is quite easy by using berserker with investing to 200 max health, I achieved the milestone within 4 days of playing with an hour (2 hours when I enjoy my win streak) of playtime everyday, without buying other items like trinkets or weapon but by the time I collected 10k gold I bought a sword, then an off-hand, and trinkets with +1 damage to both main and off hand , and also made 22-win streak as I am completing the 500 rating.
                  Last edited by Benedicto; 07-10-2018, 01:24 AM.


                    Originally posted by Bounty View Post

                    Problem that gets me peaved to no end is, the match up system. I get to rating 175 or so and needing one more win to get to 200, I get paired with a total pro who obviously have been playing a long time. Bam i lose....back down to 150 or so.....then BAM matched up against another person who has played much longer than me.....down to 125.....

                    If eternium uses Ironbound guildelines to select your opponent in're gonna see a mass exodus away from the game when multiplayer arrives.
                    I never had that problem once I hit the training and upgrade. My guess is it is the way they park. Like they got bunch gold from training/events whatever. They maxed the character level and bought the best gear they either just stopped there or did well for a bit and lost some

                    (also i guess they could have done REALLY well with one class then dropped the spoils to start another and not gotten far)

                    So they probably have a RANK near yours but better resources for a number of reasons. You really do have to take the time to complete the training and put it into a character you want to go with and get some good things on it. AND HAVE IT FULLY LEVELED. Those hundred hit point differences are HUGE with how it plays
                    Lord Emperor of Bridge Navigational Systems Engineer for:
                    Eternium 2: Rise of the bounty Hunters
                    see post:

                    Do NOT hire Xagan! He works for the enemy!!!

                    Friend code: GEBA WABE WADI 4184

                    If it's spelled bad. Horrible Grammar. Random words. No photo I was talking about. Or cut off mid sentence...
                    It's my tablet, I'm sorry


                      Originally posted by Cultusfit View Post

                      I never had that problem once I hit the training and upgrade. My guess is it is the way they park. Like they got bunch gold from training/events whatever. They maxed the character level and bought the best gear they either just stopped there or did well for a bit and lost some

                      (also i guess they could have done REALLY well with one class then dropped the spoils to start another and not gotten far)

                      So they probably have a RANK near yours but better resources for a number of reasons. You really do have to take the time to complete the training and put it into a character you want to go with and get some good things on it. AND HAVE IT FULLY LEVELED. Those hundred hit point differences are HUGE with how it plays
                      It is exactly what I have noticed and did in the game. Even before I played that way back as I started playing for the sake of IB cape as a reward, I had a hard time increasing my rating. Since then, I just visit IB once in a while, playing dailies as I am doing in Eternium, completing only quests that can be accomplished by playing minimum number of matches. Although I stopped playing for months, and then resumed playing for the promotion and rewards in Eternium, I already have maxed out the health of my berserker and assassin, it helped me a lot in completing those milestones, except for the 5 multiplayer games and the 500 rating because the matchmaking was quite unfair that I encountered players with the same maxed health, but already have weapons and trinkets that is killing me easily. Playing Arena is quite different as all players have equal health and items, the only thing that makes difference and have a large advantage is that you are very good in using a build and you matched to the weakness of the build of you opponent.

                      EDIT: As I comment, the thought came to my mind that maybe some players stayed in the Arena to collect gold, since the rating does not affect the matchmaking. By the way, the Arena is such a good place to train a specific build or character, and it is also a good place to complete quests that is hard to accomplish. BUT you can only stay playing in the Arena if you have enough amounf of gold and you keep on winning because there is no reward when losing matches.
                      Last edited by Benedicto; 07-10-2018, 07:14 AM.


                        Originally posted by Benedicto View Post

                        It is exactly what I have noticed and did in the game. Even before I played that way back as I started playing for the sake of IB cape as a reward, I had a hard time increasing my rating. Since then, I just visit IB once in a while, playing dailies as I am doing in Eternium, completing only quests that can be accomplished by playing minimum number of matches. Although I stopped playing for months, and then resumed playing for the promotion and rewards in Eternium, I already have maxed out the health of my berserker and assassin, it helped me a lot in completing those milestones, except for the 5 multiplayer games and the 500 rating because the matchmaking was quite unfair that I encountered players with the same maxed health, but already have weapons and trinkets that is killing me easily. Playing Arena is quite different as all players have equal health and items, the only thing that makes difference and have a large advantage is that you are very good in using a build and you matched to the weakness of the build of you opponent.

                        EDIT: As I comment, the thought came to my mind that maybe some players stayed in the Arena to collect gold, since the rating does not affect the matchmaking. By the way, the Arena is such a good place to train a specific build or character, and it is also a good place to complete quests that is hard to accomplish. BUT you can only stay playing in the Arena if you have enough amounf of gold and you keep on winning because there is no reward when losing matches.
                        Ah, yes. I didnt do any multiplayer match making. There has been enough give aways, boxes etc. I just went for the cape thinking it was legendary. But when I turned out it was epic I was disillusioned and just finished up for some of the smaller rewards. Then deleted the app.
                        Lord Emperor of Bridge Navigational Systems Engineer for:
                        Eternium 2: Rise of the bounty Hunters
                        see post:

                        Do NOT hire Xagan! He works for the enemy!!!

                        Friend code: GEBA WABE WADI 4184

                        If it's spelled bad. Horrible Grammar. Random words. No photo I was talking about. Or cut off mid sentence...
                        It's my tablet, I'm sorry


                          The problem is that everyone is trying to reach 200 rating but all failing so they just keep fighting other people who want 200 rating also and keep buying more stuffs so they can get there but other people are doing that too xD
                          ANB #1- Mage Rank 17... T107 in 9:47
                          ANB #2- Mage Rank 1..... T116 in 9:54

                          Live LB- Mage Rank 3..... T122 in 9:05.
                          Live LB- XP Mage ........... T112 in 7:55/ T100 in 3:25.

                          Click here to see my gameplay videos.


                            Originally posted by Benedicto View Post
                            I got the IB cape from logging in without a slot, then I had the 500 rating milestone reward with a slot..
                            250 rating is required for cape.. Idk where ppl are getting this 500 rating thing from...
                            QUJI GUFE GOKO 2635
                            Hacker, not to be confused with cheater or cracker


                              Originally posted by Skyla View Post

                              250 rating is required for cape.. Idk where ppl are getting this 500 rating thing from...
                              The original beta event v1.2.104 had it at 500, then was revised to 200 - have that changed again to 250?

                              Originally posted by Nhat View Post
                              Beta updated to v1.2.113 - rating milestones revised: Custom Rares at 150 (was 200), Legendary Cube and Ironbound Cape at 200 (was 500)


                              Don't know what/if there were other changes/fixes, I assume the 5 multiplayer bug was fixed as well - haven't done it yet though.
                              Eternium Files - links and details


                                Originally posted by Nhat View Post

                                The original beta event v1.2.104 had it at 500, then was revised to 200 - have that changed again to 250?
                                Ahh. Kk. Gotcha. Yeah when I completed it it was 250 and all bugs were fixed I assume. It literally took me about 45 mins to complete all of it.. I Got lucky with a couple of my multiplayer matches as one disconnected and another forfeited rather soon in match. But it took no time.
                                QUJI GUFE GOKO 2635
                                Hacker, not to be confused with cheater or cracker

