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Trials of Valor Expansion
Originally posted by Kelton View PostWhat are the CL points nerfs? Is it this below or something else?
- Champion bounses for Power, Attack Speed, Life Regen, Life on Hit have been reduced.
- Critical Rating offers less critical chance % per point.
- Monster's damage and life have been reduced across the table.
Critical Rating went from 10 points per CL to 5, a 50% nerf. What made Crit and Crit Damage good before was having high values of both because they multiply each other. Crit rating's diminishing return curve was already stopping us from wanting more points in it anyway, so I'm not sure why it needed a nerf.
Power went from 10 points per level to 2 points per level. 80% nerf.
Attack Speed went from 1% per point to 0.2% per point. 80% nerf.
Life Regen was reduced from 5000 to 1250. 75% nerf.
Life on Hit was reduced the same, but the loss for it is MUCH worse because it is compounded by the attack speed nerf. For me, I lost nearly 90% of my Life on Hit.
You'd think with these healing nerfs they'd at least make the useless healing minions have decent healing, but no. Even my 80% reduced Life Regen stat heals for ~20% more per unit time than the healer minion. Regen's ticking for over 700 while healer is right at 600. Because this is going to make a dent when I have 40k - 200k life depending on gear.
It remains to be seen how things fall out with gear at level 70, but for right now I'm still pretty unhappy. It seemed like Champion Points were going to be a way for us long term players to not have our character power completely destroyed with new level cap increases. But this nerf has destroyed all that, so I'm not sure I see the point.
I'm back to dying my way through normal levels that were a joke before. If it's this bad with 920 CL I won'der how people with few levels are doing.
Last edited by ezcry4t3d; 10-19-2016, 04:22 PM.
Originally posted by ezcry4t3d View PostLet's look at these nerfs a bit. (Let me know if I'm misremembering something from the old system)
Critical Rating went from 10 points per CL to 5, a 50% nerf. What made Crit and Crit Damage good before was having high values of both because they multiply each other. Crit rating's diminishing return curve was already stopping us from wanting more points in it anyway, so I'm not sure why it needed a nerf.
Power went from 10 points per level to 2 points per level. 80% nerf.
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Screenshot (33).png
for easier referenceLast edited by miguce; 10-19-2016, 04:47 PM.
Originally posted by miguce View Postpower and crit rate was 5 points per CL level before. So thats a 60% nerf for power and crit rate remains unchanged(not those specific caps, but caps of the CL pages)
The % crit you get per critical rating though is drastically reduced still.
I've leveled my Exp warrior to 64 now, which has further reduced my stats by another ~20% because now I'm higher level than my gear with no upgrades found. Just had to abandon Siege of Anderhelm because I can't kill Magroth anymore.
so much for "- Monster's damage and life have been reduced across the table."Last edited by ezcry4t3d; 10-19-2016, 07:00 PM.
Firstly, I would like to thank the devs for this huge update, is obvious it was ton of work. Well done.
My first impressions of Trials (only from a tiny sample, I did like 15+ runs only):
1) The loading time is quite long (for me the map loads from 30 sec up to 1 min)
2) On some maps expecially cave type map you have to back track quite a lot
3) From my point of view drops from trials bosses are way too high. After round 15 runs in maps of mobs level 73 to 76 ( I am averaging like 0.8 to 0.9 legendary per run (one run takes from 3 to 5 minutes including killng the boss). Before the update I was able to get one legendary in 20 to 30 mins. Now the legendaries doesnt seems to be rare at all. On the other hand as I did trial maps only up to 42, if higher maps drops even better legendaries.
4) The bar tracking progress in trial map is hardly visible, I would use something like blue or red color for that.
Suggestions for trial maps:
1) I would love if the maps could be smaller, with much higher density of mobs and also more mobs
2) You would need less mobs to finish the map.
3) Reduce the drop rate of bosses (you would be killing more bosses in the same time, therefore the droprates need to be lower)
The idea is to make the trials maps much faster but with lower reward, because for me its much more fun to do map in 1 minute even if you get nothing for that, that to run around for 5 minutes. Also when playing on the phone, you can get for example a call, which is going to interupt the trial map and you can start again.
In overall I think the update is really good for casual players thanks to (i) its easier to get items in trials and (ii) nerfs of champion levels which are no longer as important.
Originally posted by Dae Lee View PostI have a feeling that level 70 gears will off set this dramatic nerf on our CL.
Lvl 70 gear wont offset it. my guess it will be VERY hard to get above 25% crit now (without sacrificing a lot) . Where you used to be able to get above 50 without too much trouble. I have around 13% now with 60 CL's and my existing gear slightly upgraded (lvl 67 legendary axe with 70+ crit).
I would like to state shockingly that i think legendaries are dropping 2 often in the trials. I am of course going to milk that for all it is worth while i can but i am usually getting 1 purple and 1 legendary / boss (done 5 or 6 trials only so far).
Also their wasnt any obvious indicator of what spawned the boss. I eventually figured it out as being the bar filling at the bottom of the timer. Each time i killed mobs it filled up. Ok it may have been obvious to some but i never figured out what was happening till the 4th time i did it.
Originally posted by ezcry4t3d View PostWe're going to have to agree to disagree on this one. This is not what Champion Levels should have been all about.Gandalf - LETU BUWU HAZI 3646
I did a few runs just now.. So first impressions(prone to change as i play more)
Load times are ok for me. Around 15 secs (my phone is good so probably not how its gonna be for average phones)
Got snow and dungeons maps. Dungeon maps are so bad compared to snow ones.. very low vision and a labyrinth where the minimap is sometimes inaccurate.
Snow ones are visually pleasing and has none of the issues of the dungeon ones.
Feel that the bosses need to be balanced.
Gorgona does very little damage(most annoying this is the healer spawn. There radius seems to differ abit sometimes. not a perfect circle and you cant vortex all of them sometimes. Hate to meet her in those dungeon maps!).
Elban is ok. Not much to say about him.
Broken Dragon sometimes seem to oneshot both Marcus and me O.o . Thats a big disparity from the usual damage it does. Have to play more to see what it is(i only met the dude few times when i was passing through his campaign map so unfamiliar with him).
Respawn location could be better(unless its on purpose to make movement % more useful). Had to walk for a minute(yes i was keeping an eye on the time) to go to the boss location. This was with no movement bonus but still, thats a long time. More motivation not to die i guess.
On boss having a good drop rat . I haven't got a single gear that i would consider end game level. Sure i have had a few legendary drops and lots of rares but not the stats you would want. Theres 4 stats on a legendary with 15 different stats that can be on them. I like the current drop rate. Its hard enough to get good gears with the stats you want. With this drop rate it will be easier to have different armors for different types of character builds. And its not like gears give a big boost in stats when theres Champions Levels. Also with how crafting currently is the drop rate is good.
Character attack animations seems to be abit more polished(maybe my imagination). Some extra graphical effects added like sparks that werent there before. Elite mobs are easier to differentiate. Like the new special ground effects on them compared to previous ones.
Game gets stuck sometimes for a few seconds(no crash yet). Usually happened on boss encounters.
I am a low CL so i didnt get hit hard by the nerfs. Sympathies to those that spent alot of time and effort raising there Champion levels. Especially those that raised there CL for the update. Seems unfair imo. I get that its very hard to balance the game for new players and those with high CL but nerfing it that much is gonna hit the games most loyal player base badly.
Originally posted by miguce View PostI am a low CL so i didnt get hit hard by the nerfs. Sympathies to those that spent alot of time and effort raising there Champion levels. Especially those that raised there CL for the update. Seems unfair imo. I get that its very hard to balance the game for new players and those with high CL but nerfing it that much is gonna hit the games most loyal player base badly.
I'm iOS and Windows and didn't get the update yet but i feel that will be the hardest on the moral!Gandalf - LETU BUWU HAZI 3646
Got killed on CL as well, though am only 145 ish. I find it insane that a CL of 920 is needed to kill ANYTHING in the storyline on any difficulty. I reported a trials map bug as well. Currently more than a little disappointed with the update as a whole. For myself and my husband, I can already see that neither of us will continue playing past the point of picking up the daily gems we've paid for. I'll likely check back in a few months, but I'm not given to rehashing the same content indefinitely without a good reason. Maybe a future update will rekindle my interest.
Originally posted by tickleme View PostAt CL 1000 I lost two thirds of my damage...I will be able to make a some of that up with level 70 gear, but its a huge loss.
The new armor and weapons will help make up for SOME of that I'm sure, but ultimately people are going to have to play and grind just to work their way back to where they were just a few days ago in terms of killing power. The characters really don't advance then, they just try to get somewhere close to where they were in power before the changes. Seems like that would be frustrating.Kelton - YIJO MIWE BIHO 1067
Here's the Non-Dungeon Bounty Hunter Set Bonuses:
Scatter Shot is a primary attack skill, and I was not using it. I found it to be far too short range to be useful. (I'm only level 18, so obviously that could change.)
Movement Speed when attacking seems odd, but we'll let the mages chime in on how useful that is for a ranged character during combat.
Rapid Fire I use all the time. I imagine a 50% CD reduction is a great bonus for it at the level cap when the Ability Rate of Champion points will have less effect and you'll need it to use the skill every pull.