Originally posted by Kelton
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Trials of Valor Expansion
1. What's the best way to put my 269 cl now?
2. Should I just sell all my level 60 named and set items now?
3. I'm getting TONS of mystery boxes but none of them are ads, as opposed to the hundreds of ad videos I watched over the past week (I'm assuming that was a glitch), should I bother opening them since they mostly just have coins? (By bother I'm talking about how many times you need to press them to get them to open)
4. After I kill the boss in these trials should I go around the level killing the rest of the enemies or is it more worth it to go to the next level?
5. Why do the trials take way longer than the normal levels to load?
6. Is it just me or is the game a little to crowded now?
Originally posted by ezcry4t3d View PostCan't speak to the level cap yet, but I can tell you from past Betas that you keep everything. In fact, like Marc mentioned in the other thread, once you go Beta on your account you likely cannot go back as your profile will no longer be compatible with the old versions. Which means if you go Beta on Android you might not be able to play on Amazon/Windows/iOS devices until every platform gets updated. I'm sure Travis or a dev will tell us if it's otherwise this time, but for now that is the assumption you should go with.
Originally posted by Kelton View Post- Did the stash or inventory increase at all?
- Did anyone find any new minions?
- Any new abilities for Mages and Warriors as they go from 60 to 70?
Almost got lvl 70 now and I am loving the Trials guys. Only problem is occassionally I am unable to complete a Trial due to a shortage of enemies. This seems most common when it generates a "temperate forest" level, especialky a small one. I'm not sure yet whether not enough enemies spawn or if it might be a case of enemy deaths not being counted if they die from an effect you create (namely Immolate proc or Singularity) after you die.
Other than that, Bounty Hunter is awesome so far, can't wait to get into the higher level abilities on it. Think the CL/Crit nerfs were a bit too harsh though, I went from Glass Cannoning my way through the last Legendary stages to barely being able to survive a single group.
Also, all day yesterday, even before downloading the update, I never recieved a single ad from a mystery box and I'm still not getting them. I tried disabling them, playing a level and re-enabling them and tried resetting my options menu but no luck still. I am a paying member(since before the problem started) BTW in case that might have something to do with it.
Well I Like the new blueish design a lot
The New Class is fun – even if it feels strange to run in slowmo again – but well what shall one do.
The nerves – whoha they are harsh but probably necessary – else it would be all too easy, especially for those of us who already have a CL somewhere in the hundreds.
So far I did not see any real bugs, just that the new "auto generated" levels take next to forever to generate (Samsung S6).. and seem to produce some really weird levels (i.e. a lot labyrinthic levels and then gorgana placed in a corner surrounded by walls – have fun with the Healers she calls – I was forced to run through the whole level to get to them).
And the lev 55 Skill for the new class seems off – it has a “circle symbol” like the primary attacks, but it seems to be counted as a utility (with cooldown)… If that is not just some glitch it would also mean that the new class will only have three main attacks to choose from – on the other hand I’d assume that the second one is already extremely powerful if you get your attack rate high enough (works similar to Arcane Bolts).
Originally posted by Bryce Solomons View Postman he wasnt kidding about nerfs. lost ALOT of dps (nearly half). Attack speed is / crit /life steal is now 1/4 of what it was. Life steal i agree is probably about right. But crit and AS for cl levels as well as the huge base nerf seems to be a double hit. So i hope some balencing takes place again before beta ends.TONE FINE FANU 5094
Bug report--while leveling to new cap 70 on my mage, I found that my primary attack (arc lightning) stops working as soon as I finish my cycle of spells (singularity, frost Nova, arcane deflection). My primary attack won't engage no matter how many times I hit the attack button. Only way to re-engage is to hit secondary attack button and then go back to primary attack.
One more thing--lag is horrible whenever there are group of mobs like beginning of COW level. I had no lag with old version.
The new content is awesome and fun again. Thanks.
Oh man, from 7k damage on my 49 mage i have 3k .. :/ so not gooddrops are the same, damage sucks, take forever to complete a map in heroic mode, any map like
I have just finished first tiral, low lvl one. A LOT of gemstones droped, inventory full and and still MANY OF THEM left on the ground.. BUG or normal ?
Last edited by contuluiz; 10-19-2016, 03:18 PM.
Originally posted by Marc Laplante View PostIs there a new character slot or do we need to delete an existing one to make space for the bounty hunter?