Originally posted by ZorkRefugee
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Upcoming changes in 1.2.11
QETO PEJI CUZA 8302 btw... Edaj is my name backwards
Originally posted by Dave View PostSo Warrior won't be able to equip shield for Boss?
You're expecting Warriors to either be able to clear Maps in time with Sword and Board? or you're expecting them to be able to take on Bosses as Dual Wield (sans shield)
Equally they won't be able to spec in to shield talents?
Looking forward to the balancing that comes with this.
My idea about the pre-configured Wardrobe and Spec button on the fight screen trumps any nonsense about tedious game play.
......Speaking of tedious game play, hows the crafting rejig coming along?Kelton - YIJO MIWE BIHO 1067
I've been playing Warrior on Windows 1.2.12 and pushing upward in Trials levels.
Currently at Trials 116 Enemy Level 151.
I am not pulling an entire level, I'm playing through the pulls in sequence.
I'm using two Maggies to silence as necessary.
I have not died to a boss a single time.
If I lose my Maggies during a boss fight, it has, so far, not caused me any problems.
I have repeatedly been killed by elite pulls. It is NOT typically the reflect aura that gets me, as far as I can tell. It seems to be combinations of auras and the high damage output of elites. I'm not certain if it's a particular aura or type of elite that is the problem or some combination of them (Enraged Elite with Empower Aura possibly? Two shield auras and an Empower aura and incoming damage is high plus I can't kill anything.). Right now, I'd say that some combinations of elite pulls are up to twice a difficult as the actual bosses at the end of the levels.
Shockwave looks like it could be the replacement for Whirlwind for AoE damage. I can't use Whirlwind anymore, the complete lack of LoH with the huge nerf to CL Life Regen means the odds of surviving the 4 seconds of WW is very low. However, I'm not seeing the healing from Shockwave. In fact, it typically causes my incoming ranged damage to burst. What happens is, it kicks all those ranged enemies back away from you. This briefly lags incoming ranged damage as the missiles are now coming from farther away. The problem is, that now the Warrior runs towards the enemies because they've been knocked back. This collects the incoming missiles faster causing a burst of incoming damage which also coincides with a complete loss of LoH income as you are now running forward instead of attacking. So instead of seeing a heal from the skill, typically the result is a big dip in my life.
I greatly dislike being forced to run with 2 Maggies. They don't even heal for **** and 1k gems seems like a blatent $ grab. Give Shockwave or Deadly Throw a silence effect. In fact, give all classes a skill that silences.
I have 83k or 97k life depending on the life passive and 64.8% damage reduction from Armor. Some bosses are already hitting for more than 40k damage a pop. I'm not sure how fast their damage scales in Trials, but it'll be interesting to see if I get to the point I'm getting killed or to the point I can't kill fast enough for the timer first.
Hi, Ez,
Here's a real-game comparison for you.
Using charge/BR/WW, I die to the broken dragon with one breath, and that's with my skills at level 10.
Using leap/shockwave/deadly throw + potions and apples and wearing full jug so that I get small WWs, and with shockwave at level 6 and deadly throw at level 5, I stood toe-to-toe with the Broken Dragon, including inside the breath, and killed it easily without dying. My minions were Marcus, Xagan, and Eileen. None of the minions is higher than level 66, and I'm level 68. Until these skills, my warrior was lagging way behind my mage.
Here are some stats for damage vs. the multiple training dummies:
Full offensive gear, max attack speed in CL:
Whirlwind: 11 million damage per cast.
Charges: 280K damage per cast
1.5 mill DPS
Full jug, dual wield, offensive rings, defensive amulet
Shockwave: 252K per cast
Deadly Throw: 20K per cast, 20K bleed
Leap: 500K per cast
DPS: 1.2 million
The recycle times on leap, deadly throw, and shockwave are all less than eight seconds, meaning they can be done three times in the space of time of one whirlwind. Also, with a damage of 20K per deadly throw, 5 percent of that, or 1,000 points, is healed every eight seconds. That's pretty hot.
That's with 46 percent cooldown.
Now, full defensive, shield wearing fighter, with full defender gear, defensive rings, and defensive amulet, no leap, just in the zone, shield block, and shockwave
Shockwave: 112K damage per cast. 5 percent heal means 5,000 hp healed every seven seconds, faster if in a huge sea of mobs whose attacks I am parrying.
Here are full defensive stats in endurance training:
Over five minutes, took 6 million damage, DR fluctuated between 99 and 97 percent.
After much playing my mage in perfect gear now struggles at trial 130. The new frost attack is usless. I cant even work out how to direct the beam...when ever i move or do anything it cancels the beam. Lightning is nerfed to the point its good for pulling but not killing. I need to test now with fireball.
Warriors are useless as they cant take the hits. I think the bh might be the new best option but i need better gear.Led
The needer of Nerfs,
The greatest sheepshagger of all
Killed 1970 frogs...and plans to kill 1 more
That being said, Ex, I REALLY like Shockwave. The healing bit is great.Defender Alone.jpg
I did a Trial alone, with no companions, and stood toe-to-toe with Gorlak Wallshatter. No running. Took me a while, but I got him. And, I got a buncha gems from his lizards too! The screenshot was from earlier in the level.
Originally posted by Charles L. Dalmas View PostThat being said, Ex, I REALLY like Shockwave. The healing bit is great.
I did a Trial alone, with no companions, and stood toe-to-toe with Gorlak Wallshatter. No running. Took me a while, but I got him. And, I got a buncha gems from his lizards too! The screenshot was from earlier in the level.
If anything made the difference between surviving dragon breath vs not it was much more likely to be a dodge/parry/block stat on the gear you swapped rather than a weak heal every 7 seconds.
The Shockwave description is vague, I honestly have no idea if it's 5% of the damage you do worth of healing or 5% of your life is healed per enemy hit. Deadly Throw doesn't have a heal effect.
99% Damage Reduction doesn't help you at all if you can't kill anything because you've sacrificed all DPS. You'll never make the 10 minute timer in Trials. The second you put on a shield you lose 40% BASE attack speed, which is multiplied by all your other attack speed. This drastically affects your Life on Hit income. To the point that I'd bet your really losing survivability putting on a shield (except in cases where you have huge numbers of enemies attacking you at once, like pulling an entire level and allowing them all to close on you.) I stand toe to toe dual wielding with all bosses. Most of them I can be AFK for the fight. The overlapping elite auras are more difficult. And yes, I realize I have 920 CLs and that makes some difference, as it should.
Here's how I'm playing my warrior at the moment. https://youtu.be/eEIp14ch6Wc
-> This may take another half hour before it's finished uploading & processing & propagating, so don't tell me it's down unless it's well past that, it'll be there when Google's good and ready to put it there.
Trial 116 Enemy Level 151.
I neglect to show my detailed stats page, but it's 83502 Life, 5% Parry, 16.2% Dodge, 6.52 Attack Speed192% Exp 4130 Life on Hit.
Gameplay is sloppy at best, I burned my mouse hand today making wings. I'm not saying this is the best way to play, or even that it's possible for everyone, it's just how I'm playing right now.
Luckily, this level had no nasty elite combos. I do catch a really unlucky boss spawn and wasn't paying attention to the summon bar at all, so I think that's the closest I come to dying.
Last edited by ezcry4t3d; 11-12-2016, 04:53 AM.
Originally posted by Charles L. Dalmas View PostHere's the video you requested. Full defensive gear, no minions, in the zone, shield block, and shockwave only, carrying your namesake shield, Ez...
https://youtu.be/bM6BzdxlFD0Account deleted
Originally posted by Kelton View PostThis makes a lot of sense really. You should let people at least swap out the Shield spot. I can understand not allowing full swaps of armor, but a character grabbing a shield for a tough fight should be allowed.
At least allow the swapping of weapons. Hello, warriors can't kite!
I start to feel that the warrior is part of the minions like the game tittle saysFUSO PAFU ZOCA 5463
Originally posted by Adrian (Developer) View PostNo, that's not normal. Can I have a bit more details about it please?
Here you can see the starting point where the skill is executed and as soon as I try to steer in any direction, the beam jumps back to its original position, maybe it is also on my guidance with my fingers that he jumps back?Dont just say Thanks to some posts which helped you instead klick and hit the Like and Thanks Button !!!
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