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Game balancing provisional notes for game update 1.2.55 beta

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    You guys make me feel poor...i not found enought good stuff yet to fill the space we already have.

    The needer of Nerfs,
    The greatest sheepshagger of all

    Killed 1970 frogs...and plans to kill 1 more


      Is there someone to translate the game to german? Is he already doing it? I mean im not complaining, because my english isn't too bad, right? But my friends...


        Originally posted by Led View Post
        You guys make me feel poor...i not found enough good stuff yet to fill the space we already have.
        Right now, Inventory Space is the single biggest issue I have personally with the game, by far.

        It boggles my mind that a game which relies on one finding items and storing items for different builds and different classes would severely limit storage space. I don't want to use other characters as mules, I want to be able to collect armour sets and named items with different combinations of stats, Right now I don't know which class is going to be my XP class and which is going to be my Farming Class, yet I am going to have to make that decision soon, because I simply cannot store XP items and farming items for all 3 classes, while trying to keep decent set items, plus keep items for different builds I might want to try in future - like a gold finding build or tanking BH or a no vitality Warrior etc etc..

        Item finding and collecting is a big part of this type of game and just not fun when continually struggling for space.

        Honestly when I leave this game, my decision is likely going to be to triggered by frustrations at lack of inventory space. I have already slowed down my play, after only a couple of weeks of play. Yet I absolutely love this type of game and was over the moon when I discovered Eternity. Done right, this game could keep me playing for years. Diablo did.

        Just a couple of days ago I downloaded Divinity: Original Sin 2. No problem with inventory space in that game....
        Last edited by AllAboard; 09-28-2017, 09:34 PM.


          Originally posted by Finegamer View Post
          Is there someone to translate the game to german? Is he already doing it? I mean im not complaining, because my english isn't too bad, right? But my friends...
          It's in the works.


            Originally posted by vijayshen View Post
            Will other language be added in the coming release?Many players in my country cannot find joy because they know little English
            Indeed, vijayshen . If & when Eternium becomes more visually intuitive with minimal in-game textual instructions, the game would go places... literally!


              I've been playing RPGs since they were only text and the lack of inventory space in this game is utterly baffling to me. Again, as AllAboard said, since it's basically just a "kill stuff and get loot" hack'n'slash. What is the point of severely limiting inventory space?

              Another nice QOL change would be to have all gemstone drops stack automatically in the stash. It's not like we're going to use them in the middle of a trial, and that would free up some slots and save pointless shuffling around of stuff.


                Originally posted by AllAboard View Post

                this game could keep me playing for years. Diablo did.
                They've learnt everything in D2, including the stash...unfortunately
                For Gold And Glory


                  Originally posted by 123Klutz View Post

                  They've learnt everything in D2, including the stash...unfortunately
                  Then they can give us a Horadric Cube for extra inventory and transmutation!
                  HATO ZAKA LOCO 4594


                    Originally posted by Surfer View Post
                    Was really looking forward to the update, but i think i will delay updating a bit. The changes to warrior doesnt seem that friendly to grinding TBD.
                    Exactly my thoughts. My BR cool down isn't hardly enough to have end to end spammability even with 45% cool down and Integralas with 81 stackable ability at 28% chance. I am reluctant to drop DPS and Exp stats on my pants and boots just to have movement speed.
                    HATO ZAKA LOCO 4594


                      Can someone give me some more details on innate passive ablities
                      SIGNATURE COMING SOON


                        Originally posted by Subhchatu View Post
                        Can someone give me some more details on innate passive ablities
                        I think it's self explanatory. Only the Warrior does not have the specific value on how much it will increase the vitality and armor, but it could be 7 points per level as with BH and Mage.

                        Originally posted by Red (Developer) View Post

                        Class changes
                        All classes gain a class specific “Innate Passive Ability”. These are detailed below, under each class entry. These new passives will not be highlighted in the Heroes’ Spell Books in the beta, and although their effects are functional, they will remain hidden. The aim is for them to be introduced and highlighted in the Spell Books at a later date.

                        All Warriors gain an innate passive ability at level 1, named “Juggernaut”. Juggernaut grants the Warrior vitality and armor per level.

                        Bounty Hunter
                        All Bounty Hunters gain an innate passive ability at level 1, named Guerilla Specialist. Guerilla Specialist grants the Bounty Hunter 7 dodge rating per level, 20% movement speed and +100% critical damage.

                        Mages gain an innate passive ability called “Adeptus Arcana”, granting them 7 Power per level.
                        HATO ZAKA LOCO 4594


                          When will these changes be released?
                          still a newbie
                          mobile mostly
                          Main: PEJU NOWE FELU 3375
                          Receives Daily Gems

                          Chibari (ELR XP/EG Later in the game)
                          Majisk (Arcanist Push)
                          Klaus (Warrior Push)

                          Johanssen (Stalker Push)
                          Genevieve (BH EG) [Coming Soon]
                          Second Account: XEMA JAWI VUFU 9588
                          when bored or something, only does dailies, no subscription
                          Acelotte (BH)
                          not sure what comes next


                            Originally posted by Jeffsandoval014 View Post
                            When will these changes be released?
                            Supposedly yesterday, but...

                            Originally posted by Red (Developer)
                            I have an update, some unforseen consequences cause some delays. Beta won't come today, we are trying to solve all quirks asap and launch it. I know everyone is impatient to play, but we also want everyone to have a good play experience.
                            HATO ZAKA LOCO 4594


                              Originally posted by Mhongix View Post

                              Supposedly yesterday, but...

                              Originally posted by Red (Developer) View Post
                              I have an update, some unforseen consequences cause some delays. Beta won't come today, we are trying to solve all quirks asap and launch it. I know everyone is impatient to play, but we also want everyone to have a good play experience.
                              @Red - take your time. I'd rather have a working beta than a "beta" beta!

                              WEWE WEMA LUBI 3485


                                Originally posted by Xusia View Post

                                @Red - take your time. I'd rather have a working beta than a "beta" beta!
                                What Xusia said.
                                VOWO TOSO QEME 4656

