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Game balancing provisional notes for game update 1.2.55 beta

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    Originally posted by Red (Developer) View Post

    Yes, each of them is separate. Besides, Rending Slash DOT stacks itself up to EIGHT times. Previous cleave dot was 1 stack for 500% weapon damage, Rending Slash dot is 8 stacks for 400% weapon damage each. Do the math.
    So you gave BHs extra damage but at the same time took away the 2 most useful defenses: stun and stealth. And gave the warrior massive burst damage increase and more passive defense (armour/vitality), so that by the time PvP rolls around, BH players will become the ultimate "Trial bosses" for your old-boys' clique? The hunter becomes the hunted etc etc the sadism is poorly disguised.

    No need for math, just common sense at this stage. And spare us the "beta changes are not final" stock response cos you've revealed your hand with this post!
    In precisionem non est in perfectionem.

    [The pursuit of] Precision is not perfection.


      Really....i think bh will be op in do you plan to counter stealth rapid fire combo. thats going to anniliate people.

      The needer of Nerfs,
      The greatest sheepshagger of all

      Killed 1970 frogs...and plans to kill 1 more
      HALU RALO ZEYO 0519


        I'll be very surprised of all classes aren't changed a lot before multiplayer.

        This has been done many times, and the developers already likely know what will be OP for PvP.

        As someone said in a feedback thread, it would be wise to make some abilities behave differently in PvE and PvP. It is not possible to balance for both otherwise and there will always be a tug-of-war between players of one and the other style.


          Originally posted by Qeltar View Post
          I'll be very surprised of all classes aren't changed a lot before multiplayer.

          This has been done many times, and the developers already likely know what will be OP for PvP.

          As someone said in a feedback thread, it would be wise to make some abilities behave differently in PvE and PvP. It is not possible to balance for both otherwise and there will always be a tug-of-war between players of one and the other style.
          I wonder what the reception for PvP would be in the vast majority of countries that don't have high-speed internet...

          In a scenario where Player A has a high-speed line & Player B has low-speed connection, will Player A win by default because Player B's hero is "frozen" (buffering)?


            Originally posted by Prakash Bebington View Post

            I wonder what the reception for PvP would be in the vast majority of countries that don't have high-speed internet...

            In a scenario where Player A has a high-speed line & Player B has low-speed connection, will Player A win by default because Player B's hero is "frozen" (buffering)?
            It's normal, in PvP always the most important thing was latency (ping) and on mobile is always higher than on WIFI or cable (PC). But don't worry PvP will be playable with mobile just when you will have low amount of life and both will be one shoted, the player who has lower latency will win.


              Internet connection quality is always an issue but you can't just not have PvP because of it. They will do what they can to even the playing field but that's just life.


                Originally posted by Jose Sarmento View Post
                Arent't you supposedly immune to damage during DfA now? I could swear that was mentioned in one of the more recent patch notes...
                Good point, no clue


                  Originally posted by Qeltar View Post
                  Which as you just pointed out to me in Discord is a bug. Maybe they can fix both of these at once.. the ability is much less appealing when it means constant extra tapping.
                  No I'm not talking about the bug, I'm saying the fact that cleave and deadly throw and those things cannot be cast DURING the blade flurry attack.


                    Originally posted by IPNEIP View Post
                    So you gave BHs extra damage but at the same time took away the 2 most useful defenses: stun and stealth. And gave the warrior massive burst damage increase and more passive defense (armour/vitality), so that by the time PvP rolls around, BH players will become the ultimate "Trial bosses" for your old-boys' clique? The hunter becomes the hunted etc etc the sadism is poorly disguised.

                    No need for math, just common sense at this stage. And spare us the "beta changes are not final" stock response cos you've revealed your hand with this post!
                    Chill bro, all classes are getting a massive buff in this release.


                      Gotta say that as a fairly new player the changes look daunting.


                        Originally posted by darkleo000 View Post
                        Gotta say that as a fairly new player the changes look daunting.
                        Don't worry they are mainly aimed at helping newer players.


                          Originally posted by ༺྿Travis྿༻ (Support Mgr.) View Post
                          That's asynchronous PvP and there's a chance that will be the first model you guys (and gals) see. The same goes for CoOp -- essentially just using your friends as minions.
                          If PVP is asynchronous, internet connection won't matter, as much.


                            Can you guys add a rename feature? and wow so many new stuff and balancing some good and some others unexpected we will se how we do with them in the near futture


                              Will other language be added in the coming release?Many players in my country cannot find joy because they know little English


                                Originally posted by Led View Post
                                Really....i think bh will be op in do you plan to counter stealth rapid fire combo. thats going to anniliate people.
                                I don't know, with CC skills of each class? Charge, Leap Attack, Frozen Beam, Blizzard, etc. to name but a few.

                                Originally posted by Humus View Post
                                Chill bro, all classes are getting a massive buff in this release.
                                Your soothing words are like timely medication. Are you a doctor?
                                In precisionem non est in perfectionem.

                                [The pursuit of] Precision is not perfection.

