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V1.4.54 - New Button Positions

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    V1.4.54 - New Button Positions

    So, you had to move the Inventory button from the bottom right to the bottom left because of a new operating system bug.

    With the relocation, you have screwed up my muscle memory for three buttons in total.

    Keeping the Options and Quests buttons where they were and just putting the Inventory to the right of Quests would not be having me hit Inventory every time I want to change heroes. Yes, I know this is specific for me and do not know how others feel but you impacted all three buttons instead of just one. Even just keeping the Options button where it was and putting Inventory next to it with Quests to the far right would only mess with two of the three rather than all three.

    Also, having the Inventory button farther away from the screen's edge would be easier on the thumb since I use it a least once every level. The Inventory button is my most used button and having to bend less to get it would be easier on the digit.

    Chime in everyone. Agree? Disagree? Get rid of them all? Change everything?

    Give some feedback on the proposed change. That is what beta is for beside testing.

    Same for me. Yesterday i've hit the inventory button so many times it was driving me crazy.
    Oh and as far as i can tell it's not in beta anymore. Unless i have become beta tester for ios and windows at the same time.


      Agree! Please change it back..
      LUQA MIYE HOSI 1072

      Steampunk - Stalker Bounty Hunter (Main Trial Pusher)
      Quinn - Assault Bounty Hunter (Gold Farmer)
      Cyberpunk - Warlord's/Fury Warrior (Fun Trial Pusher)
      Blackwidow - Warlord's/Furry Warrior (Exp Farmer)
      Punkd/Pinkd - Stalker/Warrior (ANB Runner)

      S3 #52; S4 #35


        My muscle memory is wincing a lot, yes. Inventory to the right of quests would be a good solution.


          I'm still adjusting because my PC is still .52 with old button placement and tablet is .54 with new placement. I like the idea of inventory button to right of quests button if they are all going to be clustered.


          • lmcelhiney
            lmcelhiney commented
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            Are you STILL using that wooden computer? :-)

          I hate the current change
          RAKO LOJA CUSE 8372 - Coldet and VADA YOHI XUVA 4984 - Beta


            Agree... Hate it!


              Haved quick look and short play. It dont bothers me at all. Screen looks bigger


              • Tin Man
                Tin Man commented
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                Then would you object to only moving one button instead of three?

              • Wolf86PL
                Wolf86PL commented
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                More space on screen its what I like during fighting huge group of mobs with 7fps I would change other stuff that bothers me more.

              Relate to this button position, switching heroes requires too many clicks: click options gear -- Exit to main menu - confirm to quit - click heroes button - select hero - click to play.

              Why not add an option 'switch heroes' to the 'Options' (in which there are only two "Settings' 'Exit to Main menu').

              Or even better to simply skip this 'option' completely, having one button for ' Exit to Main Menu'. The option 'Settings' can be access via 'Inventory' button anyway. And move 'Exit to Main Menu' to the first button, making consistent with other APPs (or window layout). Clustering buttons is not a good idea.

              Or combine two buttons (Inventory and Options) together into one button. When users click that button, 'Exit to Main Menu' (or 'Switch Heroes') is available on the vertical ribbon.
              Last edited by Nomatter; 04-30-2020, 09:57 AM.


              • kamap
                kamap commented
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                Now this is a good idea, I hate the new placement of the buttons and if they are screwing with the buttons, do an overhaul.
                Give "Switch heroes" a seperate button, reduce the buttons on page. one button for inventory and one button that shows the rest like: settings, change heroes, exit to main menu and others if needed. Put the inventory on the left and the other button on it's right.

              I don't hate it. I REALLY hate it


                Don't know if anyone else noticed that the way your rewards stream into your inventory has also changed with new version. All resource materials now stream out on the lower left corner of screen towards the inventory button, while gold now goes to lower right corner where your gold and gems stash are shown.


                • lmcelhiney
                  lmcelhiney commented
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                  Yes, if THAT was the reason for the change, I understand, but otherwise it is pretty ugly for me. I don't hate it, as you "cannot hate an inanimate object". But VERY intense dislike works for me.

                Problem with putting anything to the right of the quest button occurs when the quest button doesn't appear. A better solution would simply be to swap menu and inventory button positions.

                In any event the rushed relocation of the inventory button does not appear to be thought through.
                VIQA TESO VUBA 6781
                Eternium Walkthrough


                • Nhat
                  Nhat commented
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                  Was just going to say this... example is TG...

                Since 90% of the population is right handed, it would be more user friendly (for mobile at least) if all three buttons were on the right side of the screen. Also, I have always wanted those top icons relocated because I'm constantly tapping them when I'm playing trials. It's maddening. Click image for larger version

Name:	20200430_174002_compress62.jpg
Views:	775
Size:	124.9 KB
ID:	169222
                DUCI HEXA YIWA 0721


                • Arawn
                  Arawn commented
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                  Hmmm... but it's always been on the right. So has this bug always existed?

                • Tin Man
                  Tin Man commented
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                  I can not find the original posting but said something about a new operating bug on curved screen devices or something like that. The implications were definitely on being a new bug beyond their control. Something like a bug outside their control would explain such a major change with no warning and not real beta.

                • lmcelhiney
                  lmcelhiney commented
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                  So making it difficult for most of us is a way of solving a problem for a few?!?

                Originally posted by Tin Man View Post
                Chime in everyone. Agree? Disagree? Get rid of them all? Change everything?
                Having UI elements serving similar purposes in the same portion of the screen is probably not a bad idea, although changing a proven UI is always something that not all will like.

                But. what baffles me the most with this newly, again totally unrequested "feature" is: the left-handed share of society is statistically between 5 to 30 percent, depending on the study. So, the very utmost logic thing to do is to move these UI elements towards the side of the screen most people do not use. Yep. Logic the romanian way. /facepalm
                MAJA MIBA LEGE 4951

                Matrikor, Stalker BH, TL 126

                Mobile only
                (Inactive / not playing atm - just had enough of DP's bullshit bug bingo)


                • Travis | Support Mgr.
                  Travis | Support Mgr. commented
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                  It was indeed done to combat an OS issue on devices with curved screen edges. The ideal fix would be to detect device brand and adjust the icon(s) accordingly, but that would require a lot of dev time.

                • Christian Lamine
                  Christian Lamine commented
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                  Travis, it's very sad that someone from the outside has to bring up the most obvious solution for this dilemma... instead of impacting all players with a "bug fix" for a bug that only some suffer from, the most obvious solution would be to implement a switchable workaround. This is neither dev-intensive nor does it have an impact on anybody not inflicted by the bug in the first place. But, as with other bug fixes Dream Primer has implemented, every bug seems to be a nail for Dream Primer, so they take their hammer to fix it. I just think of the "aiming bug" on mobile devices, for which the solution Dream Primer came up with is to simply increase the radius around each mob where your toon starts to attack - having the nasty side effect that now you can barely run to a free map area and instead start to shoot at peaceful mobs. Well, DP's hammer did hit that bug of not attacking mobs, that's true...

                • lmcelhiney
                  lmcelhiney commented
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                  Possibly a POLL to measure the impact of the change would have been a better initial plan.

                  This seems very much to me like a hardware vs. software issue. Someone decided to make a curved screen to sell more devices and now ALL of the software folks have to follow like lemmings (no disrespect meant to lemmings).

                  This is a painful solution for iPad users...

                I hate the new location. Being right handed and playing on a tablet, I feel like I have to reach across the 10.5" screen and use my stylus to tap in my left armpit to get to my inventory.
                Friend Code: XONE MUGE PUKE 1084

                "Eternium for Dummies: A Beginner's Guide"


                • Keaven
                  Keaven commented
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                  Armpit sounds better actually.

                • lmcelhiney
                  lmcelhiney commented
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                  Admittedly, when I use my Apple Pencil on an iPad Pro, it doesn't matter as much, but then my hand gets cramped holding the Pencil. (Getting old sometimes just sucks...)

                • Turgeon
                  Turgeon commented
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                  Same here with tablet u need to go all across the screen