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Season quests

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  • Geoff13
    On March 14 I had 4 Mark of the Oracle and guessed it would take 5 months to collect 10 more. I was too pessimistic. Today I got my 14th, and that's only 2+ months. However 67 days is well outside the 3 or 4 day refresh rate for the season bounties.

    So glad there's re-roll to get rid of impossible bounties.

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  • Mxtof
    commented on 's reply

  • Geoff13
    Thanks for the info where you got them.

    I just picked up an Epic Cape of Ancestral Spirit and salvaged 2 Mark of the Oracle!!

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  • Mxtof
    1 dropped from a chest, 1 from an Elite, and 8 from salvaging 2 Legendary Cape of Ancestral Spirit dropped at TL 105. Salvaging Legacy item is the key.

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  • Geoff13
    I've collected 4 Mark of the Oracle in the couple of months since they were added to the game. At this rate the bounty will take me 5 months.

    Can't imagine how you collected 10 Mark of the Oracle in 2 days.

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  • Mxtof
    It's doable in four days, because salvaging Legacy drops provides more Marks than before we had the cape added. I did that bounty within 2 days, FYI.

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  • Geoff13
    Not completely fixed!! I am running 1.16.13.

    A few minutes ago my Season Bounties refreshed, and once again I'm supposed to collect 10 Mark of the Oracles over the next 4 days..

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  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    This should be fixed in game version 1.16.13.

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  • KevinMountain
    Same here. I refreshed to get another bounty, but requesting something that is not really possible is concerning.
    Last edited by KevinMountain; 03-08-2024, 06:21 PM.

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  • Geoff13
    I also see 10 Mark of Oracle's, and I only ever play on my Android tablet.

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  • Travis | Support Mgr.
    We're looking into this issue today. The current theory is that this is caused by playing on multiple platforms (switching platforms breaks an RNG). Have you played on multiple platforms over the last day or so?

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  • jay clarke
    started a topic Season quests

    Season quests

    OK so one season daily quest is to collect 10 Mark of Oracle's. How? In one day it isn't possible! As a mage there is no item to salvage them from, and random drops are rare. 1 a week! 10 seems to be a few too far.