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    After lots of active play, it is a certainty that Velocinite stones do not drop for me (this "season"). I ain't special, so I imagine this must be the case for everyone.

    I can almost understand why not having all available (new) stones active as a potential get would be an intended design decision. Key word, "almost."

    They have quickly (no pun intended) become part of my enjoyable play activity. Had I known that they would not be available this play cycle, I would most likely have not purchased the Extreme Hotmess Superpass (which I missed the discount on, by the way) this time around.

    I did get one of the new Health ones from the new guaranteed gem cluster...the second one I opened didn't have anything other than normals (I think). If Velo accidentally got turned off, that would make sense...say I rolled for one but they just ain't happening. Otherwise, I should have gotten an availble type...which I'm not sweating as I've already collected 18-22 of each other new color.
    Last edited by Bryan James; 04-30-2024, 04:19 PM.
  • Answer selected by Travis | Support Mgr. at 04-30-2024, 10:04 PM.

    From reading on discord, Spiritstones are on a "3 for 3 seasons" cycle, so the oldest one is dropped off for the new one. The movement speed one has been active for 3 seasons, so it's removed, current season has: Manastims, Crit buff, Health buff.

    When the Movement buff returns will depends on whether the devs add more Spiritstones, or change the config...

    (Not sure if that info was posted on forum, will check...)


      Yeah, me too. I rely on Movement Speed to make the most of Whirlwind and Tornadoes, and regard boosting it as my top priority, even going so far as to craft rings with +1 (which actually means just 0.1) Movement Speed. And I also signed up for the fancy pass before the email arrived. BOO!


        From reading on discord, Spiritstones are on a "3 for 3 seasons" cycle, so the oldest one is dropped off for the new one. The movement speed one has been active for 3 seasons, so it's removed, current season has: Manastims, Crit buff, Health buff.

        When the Movement buff returns will depends on whether the devs add more Spiritstones, or change the config...

        (Not sure if that info was posted on forum, will check...)
        Eternium Files - links and details


          TY info, did not catch that OFFSITE stuff, but I kinda deduced something like that...eventually.

          A rotation will prove to be a detriment.

          I'm having a little fun building a (failing) Vampyre in the dwindling meanwhile.
          Last edited by Bryan James; 05-01-2024, 12:33 AM.


            Maybe they should keep a rotation, but once all new gems are released, implement a transmutation on a 3:1 ratio for stones that will not normally drop due to said rotation.

            EDIT: You're welcome.


              I also thought the SS were a permanent fixture. This means our AR will be nerfed to the previous AR/Alacrity settings that have been in place since 1.5.22 and make this game unplayable. This is the one and only thing I have wanted the devs to correct for some time now. This makes me regret investing anything in this game again
              DUCI HEXA YIWA 0721


                Unable to accept CD gem rotation


                  Rotation without transmutation will effect obsoletion (followed by deletion).

                  I just don't think they have enough people (or the right ones) available to think things through.

