my Quest Mage has long been strong enough to (at Legendary level) do two things:
-stand beside a Chest in "reclaim their wealth" ("...will open after battle") and, with one Shatter, see it open,
-run past all the Minotaurs outside the gate in "breaking their resistance" and then kill them all with one Shatter.
Since the arrival of the new version, this doesn't even work in Normal mode - I attach two screenshots ta
ken after one Shatter.
my Quest Mage has long been strong enough to (at Legendary level) do two things:
-stand beside a Chest in "reclaim their wealth" ("...will open after battle") and, with one Shatter, see it open,
-run past all the Minotaurs outside the gate in "breaking their resistance" and then kill them all with one Shatter.
Since the arrival of the new version, this doesn't even work in Normal mode - I attach two screenshots ta