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    Originally posted by Jannick View Post
    Final Fantasy XIV continues to blow me away in all aspects. From game mechanics to storyline to the graphical masterpiece and finally, a music score that leaves goose bumps for days and days (imagine crowds cheering in the background when saying that). I said finally, but, and I truly mean this, the gaming community is probably the sweetest there ever has been. Every person who plays is likely a fan and so genuinely enjoys talking and trading and items with others about the (you guessed it) other FF's. And for those who weren't fans already quickly become so. Be ready to spend endless hours just watching characters dance in circles. The only thing I miss about the game is the opportunity like this one which I often used playing WoW.
    Played it several times but then understood that it was not my type of game prefer shooters, slashers and Destiny 2.
    Last edited by Anry Cao; 06-21-2021, 04:41 PM.


      Recently decided to take a break from Eternium and try some new tastes. Some of my friends are playing Valheim now and I decided to buy it during Steam summer discounts. At first, I thought it wouldn't be much fun because I didn't like the graphics but this game proves that it's not the graphics take makes a game fun. We have recently come to France with my father and I'm playing Valheim all day online with my friends in our hotel room while my father is looking for new homes for sale in French Riviera for his company. It's so hot outside and I don't know any French so Valheim is my best friend now.


        I am currently playing Forza Motorsport 5 game and this game was very fun for me overall.


          My latest is Real VR Fishing with my Oculus. It is realistic in the way fish hit your line and the way you have to work them in, especially the bigger ocean ones. There are 20 fishing locations / levels, all of which are in South Korea. Locations 1-15 are freshwater lakes or rivers and 16-20 are on the ocean. At beginner level you have glasses that let you "see" the fish so you can cast right to them, and an on screen guide indicating which way to pull the pole, when to reel it in and when to let it go. At top expert level you play with no guides or visual indicators, just vibration on pole, pulling or slacking of line, and surface splashing or jumping, just like in real fishing. Those of us who aren't quite that good can have just the line change color as an aid. Red line means too much tension, blue means too little tension, uncolored means tension is good and green means reel like hell the fish is stunned.
          There are many types of fish ranging from common minnows and carp found at all skill levels and locations, to epic fish like exotic tropical butterfly fish or something more challenging like a marlin. Epic fish can only be caught at a specific location and only when playing at expert level, and there is at least one epic fish at each location.
          I think one of the more exciting parts is when fishing in the ocean you can be surprised by having your bait, or more likely your hooked fish get hit by a shark as you're working it in. That becomes a real battle and gets the adrenaline flowing. I'm 0-5 against them so far but I will eventually catch and land one. Another really cool feature is you can also play online in groups with friends, or even join in on a random open fishing group. Happy fishing!


          • Tin Man
            Tin Man commented
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            Sounds like you are just fishing for partners!

          Just enthusiastic about it, kinda the way I was when I first started playing Eternium.


            Right now with the alpha break (which I don't have access to (probably just as well )) I'm replaying the original Starcraft campaign. Damn it is good, really never gets old. Nostalgia probably has a little bit to do with it but for me right now it's about 10x more fun than doing pointless daily quests or banging my head against trial 158 with Lily in Eternium. Quite possibly Blizzard's best work despite all the games that have come out after.


              . . .playing Magic Rampage again.
              They've just released an update that adds a customizable set of skills to each of their 13 or so classes. On top of that, they've added poison to some weapons and enhanced fire ones to deal dmg over time. . . so everyone is scrambling to try new combinations.
              . . .probably one of the few freemium games that are not aggressive about having players cough up money to advance; just some ad viewing here and there and some "packages" you don't need at all if you play their "trials" regularly.
              Theoretical Modding
              (because tweaking numbers won't be enough)


              • Beercules
                Beercules commented
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                Lovin the new skills, just wish i had more points to distribute!

              My first game from MakingFun was Ironband and I'm still playing it sometimes. There's smth magical about this game. Now I wanna try Eternium too.


                Not much time for this game, play Bloons TD6 at the moment.


                  Due to eternium 's silly anb schedule I've been playing infinity Kingdom. I enjoy but it is definitely needs lots of gametime


                    besides eternium Im trying Darkness Rises for the first time right now.
                    Before tried Dawnblade and Anima, but I gave up on these two.
                    Also planning to try Black Desert and Magic Rampage, I know they are old games but I have never played.

                    Anyone else expecting Diablo Immortal or Undecember ? Ill probably make one of these two my main game, and see how is the fun participating in a game from the start, I always start too later in games.


                      So I have 'discovered' Cookie Clicker (Don't worry MF/DP - it isn't a competitor!).

                      The game mechanics are ridiculously simple (Click a cookie - make a cookie), but the math involved in this is quite engaging. In a way, it kind of reminds me of Eternium - simple game play (though I would be hard pressed to call Cookie Clicker 'gameplay') with a robust and interesting upgrade / math element.

                      Particularly, I was thinking the likes of UmbraDei and others who seem expert in solving math riddles hidden in Eternium.

                      Anyway, if y'all are interested in checking it out:

                      Cookie Clicker (

                      Also - there is a discord server and a fairly involved wiki for it over at fandom

                      ... KTB


                      • UmbraDei
                        UmbraDei commented
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                        Haha, yeah I played it too at some point. It's an exponential optimisation problem, which you can let Excel prioritise for you.
                        Entertaining indeed!

                      The only thing I've played other than eternium is this thing below Well nearly everybody try to cheat (if they could) when playing the classic version with families friends etc
                      Might as well play the cheating version am I right?
                      the biggest cheater wins!! haha

                      Attached Files
                      Shield warrior Lover i'm afraid
                      trial 181 in 9:08 min (Spring Season). can't be worse can't it. O dear.

                      brooch of vampirism thing. suddenly not bad. My charm of qol fail at 181 but vampirism success.

                      Hv a nice day


                        I have recently decided to remember the good old days and play GTA San Andreas once again.

