Originally posted by ezcry4t3d
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Trials of Valor Expansion
Originally posted by Stab View PostI know you can get all three sets from the trials. The point is I wanted to know which was the "Gorgana Set", which I just confirmed by doing Misty Island a few times. On the 3rd run I got Havoc shoulders. So now we know. Gorgana = Havoc set.
Oh. Looks like you beat me to it
Originally posted by nb2 View PostHey guys. I wanted give my thoughts so far on the beta. I've played it quite a bit so far but mainly the trials. I've leveled my mage from 60-70 running the Broken Dragon on legendary pretty quick and then started running the trial levels, which has been great in terms of getting 70 set gear fast. I am 1 piece away from having a complete legendary 70 apprentice set and I hope to find it soon to get the 6 piece bonus. Hopefully that will help make up for the massive nerf to crit rating and attack speed.
I am just getting to the point of making up some of my lost damage since the nerf. I haven't really run any of the old levels since hitting 70 and getting my set gear back, so I can't comment on that, but I have to say it's been very hard with the nerfs. I really do miss critical rating :/
I will also say the trial bosses get pretty hard pretty quick, as my damage is so weak in comparison to pre-update. I am only CL 250 though.
I just started leveling my warrior to 70. (62) so i can't comment much no the warrior neither.
I will soon try out the bounty hunter, as it looks pretty cool.
I do like how the trial maps are randomly generated, which it keeps it fresh. It does get very tiring running the same map over and over.
My question is, with the trials offering new maps and better loot/drop rates, what will the point of the story line be at this point? It almost seems Obsolete to me being the drop rates are amazing in trials. You get set pieces of all types, Arcanist set, adventurer, apprentice, etc etc.
I do hope they tweak the nerfs a bit. Perhaps I should start using crit rating gems over power now...
As for Crit gems, I'm sticking with Power since the Crit Rate nerf applies to all sources whereas Power nerf just affects how much CL points buy. So 50 Crit Rate is a tiny change at CL205
Originally posted by Daemonfyre View PostStory Mode will still be a great source of gems and challenge even with the trials available. Heroic and Legendary mobs are beastly compared to Trial mobs so far.
As for Crit gems, I'm sticking with Power since the Crit Rate nerf applies to all sources whereas Power nerf just affects how much CL points buy. So 50 Crit Rate is a tiny change at CL205
Yeah, the mobs in heroic and legendary with these nerfs in comparison to the trials is terrible, which also makes me not want to play the story line anymore. It's more evenly matched up in trials, although it does it harder pretty fast!KEVI NOBO QUCU 7478
Originally posted by nb2 View PostTravis, I've been unable to log in now for 30mins. It crashes on my android when trying to sync profile. I think others may be experiencing the same also.
Originally posted by ezcry4t3d View PostI've done Gorgona 8 times on BH now, 2 Havoc Shoulders and a Stalker Shoulder from her drops (not other enemies in level). I'm not convinced she doesn't drop all the sets as well.
Originally posted by Travis (Admin) View PostDetails would be great.Where did it crash? Does it crash every time? Do you see any error messages?
Crashed earlier on my first meeting with Eileen on my BH too. No error message then, loaded game back up and Eileen was still there with ! over head but no reaction. Vortex ability was on bar but wouldn't activate and level didn't end after killing "bosses" at the end.
Originally posted by Daemonfyre View PostMy game is crashing now too. Loading screen completes, profile synchs, goes to black, then Save indicator shows up blue and game crashes out with "Unfortunately M&M has stopped" message.
Crashed earlier on my first meeting with Eileen on my BH too. No error message then, loaded game back up and Eileen was still there with ! over head but no reaction. Vortex ability was on bar but wouldn't activate and level didn't end after killing "bosses" at the end.
Registered just to post this.
It WAS one of the only mobile games that was actually fun to play. Until now.
I was nowhere near maxed - i played casually when i had time or wasn't near pc.
lvl 23 mage with mixed gear above my level. All maxed lvl 10 skills. And it pretty much became unplayable. It seems like you only balanced with endgame overpowered people in mind.
To test i went into the endless normal mission - starting from wave 1. Before i could use the magic missile on auto attack to clear all the way until the first boss - and with luck even kill it. After all - i am quite a bit higher level + mercenaries.
Tried again now - Was absolutely annihilated in 10s at wave 1 with a score of 0. Enemies are extremely tanky, my survival stats are extremely low and lost most of my damage is gone aswell.
I have 0 interest to play long dragged out games where i constantly die and are forced to restart. Wasting huge amounts of time to kill a few mobs.
Not 100% sure but my dmg dropped from around 2.6k to 1.1k, toughness from 25k to 16k.
The very least make normal mode mobs a lot weaker - i don't see how ANY new player would stay playing this game after trying it for the first time now.
So far, im loving the update. My dmg went down quite a bit, but i only have 77 CL and im a casual player, so it didnt bother me that much.
BH is a lot of fun. Once i get my mage back up to 70, ill be focusing on him.
One thing i did notice is the game seems waaaay less laggy for me. Before the update, depending on how many skeletons the Necronomicon summoned for me, it would grind to a standstill. Now, a little lag here and there.
Overall, much better stability, im loving the trials, and im happy with the BH class.
Thanks guys!