So we can hear alot of feedbacks and suggestions coming from players, one example is the crafting of the new and expensive "Bracer of Mastery".
I never expected it would be that hard, until I just recently unlocked it for my warrior and out of 10-12 crafts, there is NO (as in NONE) single "Shockwave ability" that I crafted.
It is so frustrating, given the efforts to gain materials and gold is not that easy — some (including me) will have to use 2pcs 200% gold booster just to gain 6-10million of gold and some materials, that is 1 hour and 20 minutes+ of real-time gameplay including gameloading and salvaging etc., and all of a sudden will be *poof* gone in a matter of seconds just because you want that "Unique Ability" from BoM useful for your gear and skill set-up.
To summarize, here are some of the suggestions that might help on fixing the crafting of "Bracers of Mastery":
1. Designate Essences on specific Abilities for each class (e.g. Fire essence for Shockwave / Heatseeker / Immolate etc., Air Essence for Whirlwind / Snipe / Frost Beam etc.) and include a 5th Slot for that Special Ability under crafting of the "Bracer of Mastery". or
2. We will be able to reforge the existing Special Ability to another ability which will cost gems or
3. At least roll the effect with regards the equipped abilities of the hero or
4. Just make the "Bracer of Mastery" be more like the Belts (e.g. Shockwave Bracer/ Bracer of Heatseeker / Immolate Bracer) so that 100 glory points be equally distributed like that of the belts.
These are the best possible suggestions I got.
Anyone, feel free to add suggestions. Might want to take a vote (sort of a poll) for what would be the best outcome of crafting BoM.
Thank you! And hoping for your kind consideration with this matter.
I never expected it would be that hard, until I just recently unlocked it for my warrior and out of 10-12 crafts, there is NO (as in NONE) single "Shockwave ability" that I crafted.
It is so frustrating, given the efforts to gain materials and gold is not that easy — some (including me) will have to use 2pcs 200% gold booster just to gain 6-10million of gold and some materials, that is 1 hour and 20 minutes+ of real-time gameplay including gameloading and salvaging etc., and all of a sudden will be *poof* gone in a matter of seconds just because you want that "Unique Ability" from BoM useful for your gear and skill set-up.
To summarize, here are some of the suggestions that might help on fixing the crafting of "Bracers of Mastery":
1. Designate Essences on specific Abilities for each class (e.g. Fire essence for Shockwave / Heatseeker / Immolate etc., Air Essence for Whirlwind / Snipe / Frost Beam etc.) and include a 5th Slot for that Special Ability under crafting of the "Bracer of Mastery". or
2. We will be able to reforge the existing Special Ability to another ability which will cost gems or
3. At least roll the effect with regards the equipped abilities of the hero or
4. Just make the "Bracer of Mastery" be more like the Belts (e.g. Shockwave Bracer/ Bracer of Heatseeker / Immolate Bracer) so that 100 glory points be equally distributed like that of the belts.
These are the best possible suggestions I got.
Anyone, feel free to add suggestions. Might want to take a vote (sort of a poll) for what would be the best outcome of crafting BoM.
Thank you! And hoping for your kind consideration with this matter.
