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New crafting system introduction video and how to use it... (TUTORIAL)

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    New crafting system introduction video and how to use it... (TUTORIAL)

    A brief introduction video of the new crafting system using materials and a simple tutorial of how to use it... hope this will help some players to figure out how to use the new crafting system...
    • Eternium v1.3.31 New crafting system introduction and how to use it... (TUTORIAL)

    For materials you can farm ACT IV Morgenheim map... Trial 80+ will drop 100% Legendary items... Trial 90+ will have higher % to drop set/named items... You can salvage set/named items you don't need anymore to get the rare materials...
    • Eternium v1.3.31 How to get crafting materials... (TUTORIAL)

    For more detailed information please read here...


    Q: If you purchase a crafting recipe, can it only be used for crafting once or multiple times?
    A: Multiple times.

    Q: I crafted an epic mace, but it didn't unlock the legendary version. Not sure about the XP either.
    A: While crafting items of X rarity there is a chance of unlocking the next one. It's not 100% but your XP was granted though.

    Q: So, I've seen Integralas Mantle recipe a few times now. Each time its values are different. So, are there different versions of the same cape?
    A: No. It's the same recipe. Each refresh, it will show a different values as a sample for display. The values are random when crafted.

    Q: Are there any other options to obtain the recipes for crafting other than buying it? Or do they drop in higher level trials?
    A: No. The only way to obtain the recipe is to buy it.

    Q: The recipe that I wanted is not in the vendor shop. Where can I find it?
    A: You can find all recipes in the vendor shop. For every refresh, it will show a random recipes that has not been bought yet.

    Q: Is learning of crafting recipe account wide or does each of 5 heroes have to learn?
    A: Account wide.

    Q: When I buy a crafting recipe is it removed from the vendor shop permanently or do I have to keep track so I don't buy the same thing more than once?
    A: Permanently removed.

    Q: How many enchantments can an item have?
    A: One enchant per piece. Anything new will replace the first enchantment.

    Q: What is the highest crafting mastery level?
    A: 50.

    Q: Do perks effect special abilities of unique items?
    A: No. Unique items special abilities are random but some has a fixed stats.
    Last edited by FendyBt2; 09-19-2019, 09:56 AM.

    See my endgame heroes build...
    How to make jewelry video... (TUTORIAL)
    Boss skills info and how to fight boss... (VIDEOS)
    New crafting system video and how to use it... (TUTORIAL)
    Read my Journey in “A New Beginning” event... or watch the video...
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    "Full" Crafting quests - from my "new account tests":

    Click image for larger version  Name:	06 - Visit Ingrid.png Views:	1 Size:	257.5 KB ID:	122877Click image for larger version  Name:	06a - Visit Ingrid.png Views:	1 Size:	257.2 KB ID:	122878Click image for larger version  Name:	07 - Craft Equipment.png Views:	1 Size:	266.7 KB ID:	122880Click image for larger version  Name:	08 - Salvage Equipment.png Views:	1 Size:	266.0 KB ID:	122879
    Eternium Files - links and details


      Originally posted by FendyBt2 View Post
      Q: So, I've seen Integralas Mantle recipe a few times now. Each time its values are different. So, are there different versions of the same cape?
      A: No. It's the same recipe. Each refresh, it will show a different values as a sample for display. The values are random when crafted.
      So it I see a recipe for DR with 6% chance, I may just create a DR with 10% chance?


        Originally posted by ShotDead View Post

        So it I see a recipe for DR with 6% chance, I may just create a DR with 10% chance?
        GEPU GANA HEPO 9200

        See my endgame heroes build...
        How to make jewelry video... (TUTORIAL)
        Boss skills info and how to fight boss... (VIDEOS)
        New crafting system video and how to use it... (TUTORIAL)
        Read my Journey in “A New Beginning” event... or watch the video...
        Watch my live stream playing Eternium...
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          Originally posted by View Post
          GEPU GANA HEPO 9200

          See my endgame heroes build...
          How to make jewelry video... (TUTORIAL)
          Boss skills info and how to fight boss... (VIDEOS)
          New crafting system video and how to use it... (TUTORIAL)
          Read my Journey in “A New Beginning” event... or watch the video...
          Watch my live stream playing Eternium...
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            I think The best way to farm it, is to make celesial orb. I made 2 of them and have 24+lvl. Its 10k exp for one. Peace!


              Thanks, very usefull info.


                Thank you very much, this helped me allot. My stats are much better now and i ran trial 7 wich was difficult 5 Days ago to trial 83
                JALU HIHU BOCE 6210 Friend Code, add me and let me know you added so i can add you????


                  is there a strong argument for farming material via story mode or trial mode?



                    Originally posted by jerry new View Post
                    is there a strong argument for farming material via story mode or trial mode?
                    Story mode, i gain more items as lesser and regular essence, trials offers more regulars essences and more greater ones then story mode
                    Last edited by Gamal; 06-22-2019, 06:38 AM.
                    JALU HIHU BOCE 6210 Friend Code, add me and let me know you added so i can add you????


                      Q: Do perks effect special abilities of unique items?
                      VIQA TESO VUBA 6781
                      Eternium Walkthrough


                        Originally posted by Keaven View Post
                        Q: Do perks effect special abilities of unique items?
                        A: No. Unique items special abilities are random but some has a fixed stats.
                        GEPU GANA HEPO 9200

                        See my endgame heroes build...
                        How to make jewelry video... (TUTORIAL)
                        Boss skills info and how to fight boss... (VIDEOS)
                        New crafting system video and how to use it... (TUTORIAL)
                        Read my Journey in “A New Beginning” event... or watch the video...
                        Watch my live stream playing Eternium...
                        Join my Discord gaming server...


                          Hello! How can I obtain or craft Celestial essences, for Celestial transforms?


                          • Travis | Support Mgr.
                            Travis | Support Mgr. commented
                            Editing a comment
                            CEs can only be obtained by salvaging Celestial gear (which can only be earned during ANB events).

                          I just made this trying to figure out what level was best to craft at and I can't figure out how to post a new Thread...

                          I leveled from 34-36 (3 MC levels total) by doing LvL 19-25 Rares.

                          (56) LvL 20 Rares yielded best return overall with an average of:
                          +137 Lesser Essences
                          +24.7 Essences
                          +2 Greater Essences
                          -154.7 Silk
                          2195 XP
                          $643 per 39.2XP

                          LvL 19 crafting is what I've seen on the site being repeated as the best to do, but it looks like LvL 20 is ultimately based on 168 crafts of LvL 19-24.

                          Hope somebody in this world finds this useful because I just spent like 5 hrs doing this...... I have too many responsibilities in life to do this again lol

                          Apparently I can't post attachments yet so... FML

                          Tags: Crafting Armor Item Master Grind Grinding Farm Farming


                            Hey, which level is maximal per crafted item? I have seen level 77 items, that are used by top players, but is it possible to have higher levels items? From my calculation if chance for additional level is 0,5, that items level 78 have 3 promile chance to appear? Or level u77 is maximal?

